For a while now, we have been experiencing a disturbing trend in our polity. Sadly enough, this does not appear to stop in the near future. Politicians and their cronies have openly engaged in vote buying, political intimidation and harassment coupled with heating up the polity. Unfortunately, they have equally showed that they lack ideology and the necessary political temperament.
Let us look at the recent elections in Ekiti and Osun states. The trend got to a disturbing crescendo. Unfortunately the nation’s election umpire has not done the needful to arrest the situation. At the various levels where primaries were held to determine those who would be the standard bearers of the various political parties at the various states in the country, the anger, vengeful outburst that followed clearly pointed that the vast number of politicians in Nigeria are not cut out for the development of our dear nation.
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Without a true sense of direction, voters will easily be swayed to do the bidding of the political class. Poverty has become endemic in our national life. We must fight for the strengthening of our economy and this must be reflected in the welfare of ur citizens.
Our politicians must take a cue from better climes where politics is driven by ideology and the interest of the people. The United Kingdom, the United States of America and some others have provided a template that we should appropriate to deepen the quality of our democracy.
Lasun Azeez, 08066186686