“AS it was in the beginning, so it is now, and so shall it be, world without end, Amen. This is a prayer by the faithful in the Catholic denomination. “World without end?” Isn’t that in conflict with the biblical injunction that the world will end someday? I digress. Let’s return to the purpose of this missive. The term “illegal migrants” or undocumented immigrants refers to a group of people who lives in a country other than their own, without the legal authority to reside or work in that country. Some undocumented immigrants enter the USA from the Mexican border, others enter through the Canadian border, while some migrants come into the USA from various ports of entry with assorted visas. Some immigrants come with visiting visas, some with student visas, and others with different forms of visas. Immigrants who come into the USA with visas, but remained after the expiration of their visas, becomes illegal immigrants. It must be noted that the USA is a country of immigrants. Every person or their ancestors came to the USA from somewhere else, with the exception of the American Indians, who are the “Omonile” or the original inhabitants of America.
Alhough, people have come to the USA from all corners of the world for centuries, their reasons for coming has remained consistent. People come to the USA or in the case of students, remain in the country because they are fleeing from something. Some are fleeing from persecution, some are fleeing from oppressions, some are fleeing from violence, and some are fleeing from untenable Economic conditions. The constant theme, is that people flee to America in search of freedom as promised by lady liberty, who proudly proclaimes “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”As people have fled before, they are fleeing now, and will continue to flee in the future. (Remember the Catholic prayer.)
Scores of Europeans fled religious persecution, famine, poverty, wars etc. to come to the “new world,” as America was known then. The chinese and Indians fled in search of a better life. The Jews fled after the Second World war in search of a peaceful sanctuary. The USA has always been a beacon that offers hope to the hopeless. So why the current agitation to displace and deport illegal migrants, particularly the minority migrants. It is important to explore this question from a historical perspective. Historically, new arrivals into the USA were generally met with disdain from the early arrivals who are apprehensive of job competition from the new arrivals. Similarly, the scapegoating of immigrants for political expediencies did not start yesterday. In 1917 for example, an immigration act was passed to ban minority immigrants from Afghanistan, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Etc. History seems to be repeating itself with the ongoing crackdown on immigrants from Latin America, China, India, and African countries. The irony of the hostility towards minority immigrants is laid bare when you realize that the same administration who wants to deport 11 million immigrants is actively recruiting Canada, Greenland, and white South Africans to become part of the USA.
The unanswered question is, how does America benefit from deporting the minority undocumented migrants? I want to unequivocally state that every country should be able to control their borders. I also believe that the vast majority of Americans are in support of deporting criminal migrants. But why deport the throngs of hardworking non criminal migrants? These hardscrabble throngs are the backbone of the underground economy that some industries depends on. Examples: The agriculture industry: The back breaking chores of tending the farms and picking crops, while earning a measly wage, makes such jobs the exclusive province of illegal migrants. Most Americans would not these jobs because of the labor condition and the attendant slavish wage. Why then deport the very people responsible for filling our groceries with affordable farm products? The deportation of these migrants would unnecessarily result in farmers bankruptcies and preventable inflation of food prices. The restaurant industry: The business of feeding Americans at various restaurants falls disproportionately on migrants, most of whom are undocumented. They are the amiable fellows who wait the tables, prepare the food, and clean the dishes. They perform all these chores in most cases for wages far below the minimum wage.
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The health industry: While the health care functions of caring for the sick and mending the wounded falls on the professionals, other equally salient functions of caring for the elderly and the disables, falls on health care aids. Most of whom are undocumented migrants, who earn measly wages to survive. How would the deportation of these groups benefit society? Who will tend to the elderly and the disables? The entertainment industry: Undocumented immigrants are most likely behind the grunt work behind the glitz and glamor of the entertainment industry. Ditto for the construction industry.
The Economic benefits of the undocumented immigrants:
According to published data, there are about 11 million undocumented imigrants in the USA, many of whom works, pay taxes and contribute to their communities. In 2022, undocumented immigrants had a combined income of $330 billion while spending $254 billion and paying $75.6 billion in taxes. So with such a productive and hardworking segment of the American economy, wouldn’t it be better to provide an avenue for the undocumented migrants to “come out of the shadow” and become a legitimate part of the American family? Just a question.
- Okhiria, MPA, MA, writes in via [email protected]