Dear President Muhammadu Buhari,
A Reflective Contemplation On New Social Order For Nigerians; Application For First African Membership Of Organization For Economic Cooperation And Development (OECD); Diversification From Oil-Economy And Border Closure
The above subject matter refers.
I write with the highest sense of humility and respect for your exalted and prestigious office. I am constrained to make open my message to you for the singular reason of no other way for me to reach your person even if I am in the country. The rationale behind this letter emanated from a question – “how can you transform Nigeria as a Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) foreign scholar”, the team leader, Chief Uchenna K. Ufearoh of TETFund’s visitation panel asked during a meeting with us TETFund scholars at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, North Cyprus, Turkey on October 15, 2019. This letter is therefore humbly passing my four-fold viewpoints on how to transform Nigeria: 1. New social order for Nigerians, 2. Nigeria application for membership of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 3. Diversification from oil-economy and 4. Border closure to sustain and boost local production.
1. New social order for Nigerians: From my experience in the country and other parts of the world, except on self-ego, many Nigerians attitude towards others and the nation is unpatriotic. Having grown up from Igboho, Orelope Local Government area of Oyo State, we were home thought to be trustworthy, humble, selfless, deferential, patriotic, subservient, and above all, absolutely believe in God. My views on Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora, especially through globalization, portray social disorder while the disorderliness has eroded our founding fathers’ national values, beliefs and ideals customs and traditions, dignity, respect, and patriotism.
Sir, permit me to remind you what social order entails. The term social order can be seen in two senses. In the first sense, it refers to a particular set or system of linked social structures, institutions, relations, customs, values and practices, which conserve, maintain and enforce certain patterns of relating and behaving. Examples are the ancient, the feudal, and the capitalist social order. In the second sense, social order is contrasted to social chaos or disorder and refers to a stable state of society in which the existing social structure is accepted and maintained by its members. With reference to our civility, courteousness, association, camaraderie, commonality, thoughts, behaviour and perceptions of Nigerians to Nigeria, I therefore write on the urgent need to chart a new social order for Nigerians since it will re-orientate, reform and refine minds of Nigerians at home and abroad on national unity, economy, patriotism, security, against social vices bedevilling the country. To have a new breed of Nigerian youths and politicians, the new social order is sacrosanct and in dire need to be initiated by the presidency in conjunction with National Orientation Agency (NOA) and Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development. The proposed national reorientation will educate the youths that Nigeria was never this bad before they were born and they should never think the ugly trends are inheritable norms of the land.
Mr President Sir, I am indisposed to late Chief Obafemi Awolowo’s refusal note to the invitation of former President Ibraheem Babangida soliciting for his contribution at a National Political Debate on how to chart New Social Order (NSO) for Nigeria in 1986. President Babangida, in his good intention for the country, had promised the Nigerian nation then that he would enthrone an NSO by doing away with the politics of the past, bring in new breed politicians and change the political landscape. In response to IBB’s request, Pa Awolowo wrote the following:
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“Dear Sir, I received your letter of February 28, 1986, and sincerely thank you for doing me the honour of inviting me to contribute to the National Political Debate. The purpose of the debate is to clarify our thoughts in our search for a new social order. It is, therefore, meet and proper that all those who have something to contribute should do so. I do fervently and will continue fervently to pray that I may be proved wrong. For something within me tells me, loud and clear, that we have embarked on a fruitless search. At the end of the day, when we imagine that the new order is here, we would be terribly disappointed. In other words, at the threshold of our New Social Order, we would see for ourselves that, as long as Nigerians remain what they are, nothing clean, principled, ethical, and idealistic can work with them. And Nigerians will remain what they are unless the evils which now dominate their hearts, at all levels and in all sectors of our political, business and governmental activities are exorcised. But I venture to assert that they will not be exorcised, and indeed they will be firmly entrenched, unless God Himself imbues a vast majority of us with a revolutionary change of attitude to life and politics or, unless the dialectic processes which have been at work for some twenty years now, perforce, make us perceive the abominable filth that abounds in our society, to the end that an inexorable abhorrence of it will be quickened in our hearts and impel us to make drastic changes for the better. There is, of course, an alternative option open to us. To succumb to permanent social instability and chaos. “In the premises, I beg to decline your invitation. I am yours truly, Obafemi Awolowo”.
Though the letter is over three decades now, the message remains fresh and profound in its postulations according to the cull below:
‘‘…. at the threshold of our New Social Order, we would see for ourselves that, as long as Nigerians remain what they are, nothing clean, principled, ethical, and idealistic can work with them. And Nigerians will remain what they are unless the evils which now dominate their hearts, at all levels and in all sectors of our political, business and governmental activities are exorcised”.
Mr President, after thirty-three (33) years, the cull portrayed the sacrosanct personalities of Nigerians in politics, business, and government. From the thirty-three years of no NSO, the Nigerians’ cross-country uncultured attitude cum social vices have nationally painted the country black even in the face of the world. If the country still believes in the post-independence, old social order which culminated in the genesis of instabilities in successive governments since January 1966 coups then the handwriting is clear enough that, without new social order, in three to four decades time, the country will find it hard for peaceful and communal coexistence of over two hundred and fifty (250) ethnic groups across the nation. Sir, let me further remind you that the killings of Nigerian leaders during January 15, 1966 coup and July 1966 revenge coup culminated in a living disaffection, inter and intra-tribal hostilities among major tribes in the country. For national unity, Nigeria needs to revisit her pre-January 15, 1966 era to redesign our political ways of life purposely for national unity and socio-economic development of the country which will pave way for national planning for future generations. Since the termination of the First Republic, Nigerians have been finding difficult to live as a country. To heal about six decades’ wounds, there must be a matched apology with forgiveness from the concerned zones. The wounds can only be healed through tendering an unreserved landmark apology from the geopolitical zone of the coup plotters while the geopolitical zone of those killed should in the interest of national unity, be ready for total forgiveness. Age-long post-independence hostilities among major tribes brought the notion of a break-up while breaking up of Nigeria will not bring any solution to the core problems of the country as agitators perceive. Dialogue matters for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. To me, the only way to win a war is not to fight the war. Whether the dialogue process is made in the open or in secrecy, the result always fruitful thus dialogue seems to be more efficient in preventing conflicts than in solving them. Therefore it is pertinent to FG to establish a conflict resolution commission in Abuja with offices across states and local government areas where peace and peaceful coexistence will be periodically discussed.

At this juncture, Nigeria needs to regulate social media. The invention of Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchats and so on which allow instant connections for users across the globe has exposed youths and adults to a naked world. Dangers inherent on social media use outweigh the benefits as our youths abuse the opportunity of global connection. Federal Government, through National Assembly, needs to devise a customized Social Networking Sites (SNS) with stringent monitoring and regulation against unguarded postings, cybercrime, and uneducated interactions. In the populous United States and China where information and communication are monitored, they operate firm control of social media and filter criminal contacts. Adopting this strategy will put Nigeria on strong security footing.
Certainly, the only solution is to have a new social order, a change in the political and economic systems that have eroded all values of good development in Nigeria. On the foisted political system, there must be a shift from self-interest-first to the public-interest-first syndrome as we do it in direct opposition in all African countries. The developed countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, China, Canada, Italy, and so on long ago placed public-interest first. Also, it must be noted that the enlightened self-interest has no place in the development and advancement of emerging and growth-leading economies (EAGLEs) such as in Mexico, Brazil, India, and Russia while socialist economic system most times preferable to the capitalist system for even social development across the country. Some feelers maintain that new social order will be inconsequential due to peoples’ innate attitudes cum the country’s multicultural diversities across the land until we have good leadership which I strongly believe the time is now. Under the top-bottom disciplined and selfless leadership hierarchy, the governed will have no option than to adjust or square-up against social vices.
Your excellency, with all-round security your administration put in place, the spate of indiscriminate killings and insurgency has drastically reduced while kidnapping still worrisome and must be fought to a screeching halt. The unbroken traumatic state of insecurity in the land prompted my advice to former President Jonathan in an article – How Not to Tackle Terrorism published by The Nation, page 16, Sunday, June 22, 2014. It is unarguable to maintain that the heartlessness of the unemployed youths and accumulated high rate of unemployment cum poverty are the root causes of banditry in the country as recorded by successive governments. Sir, every Nigerian who is, from police record, has no criminal case for one year should be annually awarded with Good Citizen Certificate and rewarded with at least N5,000 token of Good Citizen Stipend (GCS). This will motivate and sensitize Nigerians and youths in particular on the need to be a good citizen and law-abiding which is rewardable at the end of every year.
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For a nation to progress, a round peg should, on appointment cases, be put in a round hole. Violation of this has rendered many African governments and nations unsuccessful when a country fits unfits in certain positions. Sir, I would not like to mention names but permit me to give just one instance in the person of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, Minister of Interior who was former governor of Osun State and who, as an Engineer, can assuredly perform better in Works and Housing than in interior ministry. Ogbeni Rauf is one of the rarest breeds of human beings I ever have known in administration when he transformed Osun State and made Osogbo a model city.
Sir, we also need to prioritize and add value to our first languages –Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo for teaching sciences, technology, arts and business in tertiary institutions. No student will fail a course if taught in his/her first language or mother tongue. The developed countries’ education we adopt such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia, France and so on using their first languages to teach their students forgotten that we are not white by birth while English and French languages are not our firsts. In Freiburg, Germany, I discovered during my research presentation in 2013 that learning the German language is compulsory for international students, ab initio. Here, in Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, all relevant English books are in the Turkish language for further readings and understanding. On this background, I want to advise your government to initiate policies through the Ministry of Education in using our first languages in the country for teaching in tertiary institutions. This is achievable by contracting Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo Professors and experts across schools in Nigeria in conjunction with experts in different fields/courses for translation of relevant books.
Sir, as of today, the only problem with Nigeria is our weak constitution. Once we amend or get rid of it, everybody will adjust overnight. I want you to further mark your name on the rock of Nigerian history by amending the 1999 Constitution through the robust relationship of the three arms of government. Nigerians hide under the cover of 1999 crime-protecting and pro-rich constitution. As Nigeria taking loans from China and opting for Chinese Yuan, it will be in the interest of our fatherland to ‘borrow’ or adopt the Chinese constitution as well using Chinese laws and legislation to tackle corruption and related offences. Subscribing to the constitutional amendment will give birth to a New Nigeria where everybody in the country will be strictly law-abiding. In the amendment of the electoral process of the proposed constitution, I advocate for more academics in politics. I urge Nigeria enshrine the highest per cent of gubernatorial candidates to be a Professor of ten years’ experience in any field and at least PhD holders in the academic of five years’ experience for president and national assembly aspirants. This advice mimics the decision of former INEC chairman, Professor Attahiru Jegga in making professors returning officers while in office. There is no way a professor of ten years’ experience who is also qualified to be Vice-Chancellor of a university, college of education or polytechnic will, from his/her wealth of knowledge and experience, not transform his/her state to global standard a crystal example is Senator Professor Ben Ayade, the Governor of Cross River state who has been best governor for years. Sir, can you also imagine the type of laws academics in the national assembly will be making? The greatest pursuit of Nigerians today is education and we need to add value to it. By doing so, a high value will be added to education, more funds will be channelled to the education ministry, with high hope of producing future leaders. I must further notify you that the best brains to develop a nation are the academics through the implementation of their age-long research recommendations. As FG spends so much on Research and Development (R&D), rich recommendations from books and journals by Nigerian academics are kept in libraries and offices instead of employing the research recommendations and policy-implication to transform the nation into a developed country.
2. Nigeria’s Application for First African membership of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Your excellence, it is of my note that Nigeria interrelates far well with the United States and the United Kingdom cum the US-based International Financial Institutions –World Bank and IMF than the European nations. My academic sojourn in London, England November 7-11, 2011, Germany, Switzerland, France December 3-7, 2013 and presently in the Department of Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta in North Cyprus, assured me that Nigeria needs to integrate more with European countries especially on international trade. This is only achievable by accessing a European organization membership such as OECD where no African nation has a membership. For a more robust international trade, sustainable economic growth and development of Nigeria, I, therefore, advise FG to apply for the first African country member of the 1961 established Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD countries comprise 36 members across the world majorly from Europe and they represent about 80% of world trade and investment. Presently, OECD 36 member countries span the globe, from North and South America to Europe and Asia-Pacific. The OECD members include Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. Having OECD membership, it will boost the country bilateral and multilateral trades conditioned on upon development of non-oil sectors such as agriculture and industry to the global attraction. With the presence of abundant agricultural raw materials in the country and for Nigeria not to be at receiving ends, Nigeria can engage OECD members on a multilateral arrangement or signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the country for establishing industries and companies in Nigeria and export the goods to agreed destinations. Such investment follows global value chains (GVCs) or supply chain where Nigeria will provide more than 80% job opportunities for the Nigerian workforce in the multilateral investment. A good example is the bilateral arrangement of Nigeria and Saudi Arabia over the proposed establishment of a refinery in the country.
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To become an OECD member country is a demanding task. Countries have to be ready for membership, which means not only adhering to OECD mission and values but being able to take on the responsibilities and requirements of active membership. To become a member, Nigeria can apply or be invited to open an accession process by the OECD Council. An accession roadmap is then developed to determine terms, conditions, and processes for membership. An OECD technical review will carry out to evaluate Nigeria’s policies and practices compared with OECD best practices and its ability to implement OECD standards. This phase often results in a series of measures a country must implement to align with OECD requirements. Each country must ratify membership domestically before becoming members.
3. Diversification from Oil-Economy: Your excellency, permit me to humbly ask a question. Sir, what will Nigeria lean on should oil dries off? Before oil dries off or before technology renders our oil reserves irrelevant due to the high rise in the manufacturing of hybrid automobiles, diversification from oil-economy is the key. Sad to learn the continued poor status of Nigerians in the face of 2019 projected 2.3 per cent economic growth estimated by the International Monetary Fund, undershooting by the 2.6 per cent increase in the population of 200.964 million. Any reduction in Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)’s quota for Nigeria, the supply shock will cut certain percentage points off the growth from 2.3 per cent and get back on strong growth, revenues must be diversified to boost non-oil Gross Domestic Product, GDP. The poverty status is largely due to an uncompetitive and unproductive economy with infrastructural decay and underdevelopment of human capital cum poor education. Since the oil boom of the 1970s, Nigeria has long-neglected agriculture, the mainstream of economy in the post-independence era. Efforts to diversify the economy from the oil sector have been pretty difficult for successive administrations due to the highest percentage contribution to GDP or national income.
The Nigerian economy should be fully diversified and monitored by recasting or revamping other key non-oil sectors mainly agriculture and industrial/manufacturing sectors. With moderate progress in the oil sector in 2019, non-oil growth however cut to 1.6 per cent in the second quarter of 2019. Sir, the government, in the shorter term, need to review its protectionist trade policies and focus on tight currency regime while in the longer term the government needs to diversify its revenue sources. The well-determined diversification strategy needs to formalize the non-oil sectors with a specific, yearly target for their revenue to finance a larger part of the annual budget. This is achievable through breaking up or decimating large uncompetitive and monopolistic companies’ power.
Mr President Sir, the supply (or demand) shock in oil production (and consumption) in the world, increases the effect of oil price fluctuations on macroeconomic volatility in an oil-economy. A good cases occurred during first Iraq-Kuwait gulf war in 1990, Nigerian oil workers’ strike in 1994, Asian economic crisis in 1998, second Iraq/gulf war in 2003, Niger-Delta militant’s oil facilities attack in 2006 and September 11, 2001 (9/11) attacks in the United States, as all the shocks depicted in the enclosed figure. In such cases, every oil-dependent country like Nigeria faces recession threat. From the enclosed quarterly crude oil price figure from President Olusegun Obasanjo regime February 1976 to President Muhammadu Buhari in September, 2019:Q3, former President Umaru Yar’Adua administration recorded highest oil price of $133.44 per barrel in 2008:Q3 but dropped sharply to $39.16 in 2009:Q1. Records further show that the long, steady, highest oil price was recorded during the government of President Jonathan who was the luckiest to generate such revenue but marred with low savings. The oil prices ranging from $96.2 in 2011:Q3 through $106.190 in 2012:Q1, $106.29 in 2013:Q3, $103.59 in 2014:Q3 to a low handing over oil price of $47.82 in 2015:Q1 to your administration which culminated in recession for Nigeria as an oil-dependent economy. Thanks to your economic team under former finance minister Kemi Adeosun for ensuring economic resuscitation. Sir, it is crystal clear that any oil-depending nation cannot be self-reliant without a well-determined diversification.
Your excellency, mode of paying monthly allocations from oil revenues to states need an overhaul to assist governors from owing salaries. This is achievable by assisting them to clear salary arrears. Federal Government is advised to start releasing allocations to states in two tranches; salary payment and other expenditures. Any governor who fails to pay a salary with the first tranche is liable to forfeit the second tranche. By doing so, owing salaries in long arrears by governors will be history in Nigeria. No governor will owe one month’s salary as they always target the after-salary-balance of allocation for capital and infrastructural projects, especially where their treasure lies. Sir, this can be ratified by the National Assembly through sponsoring a Salary First Bill (SFB). On states budget deficit, conditions for borrowing by state governments need review, state governments should initiate their debt plan during the first year of administration and should repay before end of tenure. In other words, for a tenure of four years, the repayment period should not exceed three years. Defaulters should not be allowed to borrow by the National Assembly. This will curtail backlog of bad debts for unborn, overlapping-generations in the states.
4. Border Closure: Sir, the closing of land borders by the Federal Government is commendable. The closure is long overdue to boost and enforce local production and consumption of food items respectively. Our various governments are aware that we have been sustaining the economies of Benin, Togo and to some extent, Ghana times immemorial. Nigeria has become a dumping ground for desirables and undesirables. It will be beneficial for the nation if exporting countries can export their goods directly to our borders and jettison tagging us second-class importers. Put differently, Nigeria needs to ‘eliminate’ middlemen countries – Benin, Togo and Ghana to have access to direct imports of necessary goods, if need be. The firm closure also appreciates Naira value, prevents smuggling of cars, arms, and ammunition, generate higher revenue from import duties, and secure the country from infiltration of bandits from the neighborhood. I, therefore, want to commend you on the success recorded so far. At this point, I would like you to persuade the Dangote Group of companies to reduce the cost of locally produced food items to justify your firm stance on border closure. The price cut will convince Nigerians your sincere plans to promote local production and consumption. Some feelers believe bandits that unleash terror in the land are foreigners from the West African Sahel while others view it from ethnic or political motivation. In either case, Federal Government, over decades, cannot be fully exonerated from keeping leaky or permeable borders while our borders are more than porous especially land borders which include Kwara, Niger, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara, Katsina, Jigawa, Yobe, Borno, Adamawa, and Taraba. Others are Oyo, Ogun, and part of Lagos borderlines in the south-west while the naturally tight borders cover the coastal lines of Lagos, Ondo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, and Cross Rivers. The porosity emanated from lack of ultra-modern border infrastructural facilities for officers of Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria Customs Service, and other related forces.
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Sir, to reduce kidnapping and armed robbery, our expanded national parks and forest reserves under the protection of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture need to review the laws protecting the idle parks for alternative use. Most of these parks/reserves are armed robbers/kidnappers den across the country where travellers commute with utmost fear. A very good example is Igboho-Igbeti, Igboho-Kishi, Kishi-Igbeti triangular section of Old Oyo (Oyo-ile) National Parks of over 20 kilometres each. The most unsecured town in the environment is Igboho, the capital of the Old Oyo empire where four Alaafins were buried in the popular Igboho Royal Forest within Igboho metropolis. The trio of Orelope (Igboho), Olorunsogo (Igbeti) and Irepo (Kishi) Local Government Areas making a federal constituency in Oyo State has lost millions of future leaders to armed robbers and kidnappers in the evil forest. Your Excellency, it will be a century achievement for your administration in this God-approved second term to establish a Federal University of Agriculture in the area or a Nigerian Army University (NAU) that will directly secure the areas like that of NAU, Biu in Borno State. Doing this, the good people of the concerned three local government areas will forever appreciate your administration for securing the area through the proposed military college on one hand, and also have the first federal (university) presence in the entire ten Local Government Areas of the Federal Government most neglected area of Oke-Ogun in Oyo State on the other hand. Sir, at this Godly hour of reading this letter, I want to draw your attention to Nigeria’s most disconnected Oke-Ogun area where people of the areas have been treated as second class citizens since the creation of Oyo State in 1976. I would like your excellency to, therefore, create Oke-Ogun State of ten local government areas in Oyo North Senatorial district from present Oyo State.
For the security of our land, every former president must be given a role to play tapping from their wealth of security experience. Their roles must go beyond periodical meetings of the National Council of State (NCS) in Abuja. To this end, you can also garner the support of former service chiefs with the present to stamp out insecurity and move the country forward. You, therefore, need to inaugurate a high-powered national committee called Presidential Committee on Security (PCS). The PCS will come up with constitution review plans and also design an everlasting counter-insurgency and anti-kidnapping measures for the country. The PCS may comprise all former Nigerian leaders, security heads, former and present service chiefs, national assembly leaders and governors forum.
Furthermore, in your second term, I would like to advise you to establish an enabling law to establish peace public holiday called National Peace Day (NPD) which will consequently prompt the world to establish World Peace Day. On NPD, Nigerians will gather at national, states and LGAs for remembrance of the lost lives and to sympathize with the victims of ethnoreligious and other related conflicts where prayers will be offered for the country and the departed souls during insurgency, kidnapping and banditry that claimed thousands of innocent lives and also devise ways preventing future crisis in their respective communities. To nip insurgency and banditry in the bud, there must be a concerted effort of concerned security forces success of which cannot be singularly achieved without a collaborative effort of civilians in each state. Further, FG needs to increase employment opportunities for idle youths who become destructive tools for insurgency and banditry. This empowerment can also be achieved by extending N-Power and Tradermoni benefits through appropriate financial institutions to ensure financial inclusion for jobless and graduate “yahoo” boys and girls and other poor Nigerians. For many parts of the North East that were devastated due to insurgency, FG, therefore, needs to accelerate rehabilitation of the affected areas and residents through the North-East Development Commission.
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Your excellence, permit me to appreciate former Governor of Borno State, Alhaji Kashim Shettima for making life better for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of Borno State by making provision of state-of-the-art primary and secondary schools, hospitals, private houses/estates, among other infrastructural facilities. In the same parlance, I would also like to commend the business mogul, Mr Femi Otedola for donating in one fell swoop, a mountainous N5 Billion Naira for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the war-ravaged Northeast states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa especially to “Save the Children” in the devastated states. Sir, for such giant contributions to humanity, I would like to humbly nominate the duo of Alhaji Kashim Shettima and Mr Femi Otedola for National Awards of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Such recognition will encourage other well-intentioned individuals and NGOs to emulate their kind gesture.
Lest I forget, I want to commend the joint forces of the Nigerian Army, Air, Navy, and Police for adequately securing the country and urge FG to increase budgetary allocation for security, if the need arises. In advanced countries, security men shops at discount or subsidized rates a motivation and high-esteem of which will increase force men’s professionalism. Reports and records show that Nigerian force men are one of the most intelligent officers on the surface of the earth. So periodical motivations cum sophisticated equipment will ginger them towards effective service.
Sir, revisiting the 1986 national political debate through the proposed PCS on new social order for Nigerians, will not only do youths and politicians good but will also be a platform of attitudinal change for the country’s overlapping generations. I also want to sympathize with you and families of the fallen heroes killed so far during insurgency and communal clashes across the country while I would finally like to admonish all Nigerians to reconnect to God for divine intervention on revolutionary change of attitude towards Nigeria in order to protect her image and maintain peace and unity of our dear country.
Sir, I must not fail to appreciate Professor Suleiman E. Bogoro, Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Abuja for my scholarship. I want to remain grateful to Dr Samuel Akintunde, Provost, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo for his management and Governing Council support. Mention must be made of Professor Olukoya Ogen, former Provost, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo for granting my study leave.
Your excellency, my other advice, and recommendations that can gear up the country towards global heights are reserved for personal interactions in due time.
Thanks for your attention and solemn consideration of this letter. In reflective contemplation on how to transform Nigeria into a developed country, I remain a patriotic and concerned Nigerian citizen.,
• Alao is a Senior Lecturer in Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State and a PhD student in the Department of Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, North Cyprus, Turkey, wrote in via [email protected] and with contact number – +905338244270