The President, Awka Diocesan Council of Knight, Anglican Communion, Anambra, Sir Prof. Emmanuel Emelummadu Ezenwaji, has said that Nigeria can be free from bad leadership, crime, only when we work and pray to God Almighty alone.
He argued that the quest for power and worth among some Nigeria leaders including religious leaders has deviated their hearts from worshipping God in totality.
Ezenwaji, who made his position known while speaking to Journalists at the just concluded 2nd session of the 13th Synod of the Diocese, held at the Church of Pentecost Awka, on Sunday, regretted that Nigerians are enduring immense suffering as the prices of essential commodities soar to higher and higher every day.
According to him, over 75 per cent Nigerians are still living under poverty despite Churches spread across the nook and cranny of this country.
“The unbearable pain of poverty and hunger that Nigerians are facing may result in an unbearable situation that may unseat the peace of the nation-Nigeria. Hunger is so much in the land. Over 75 percent of Nigeria’s population are poor and the only solution to all these problems is for us to rally-round God Almighty for help.
“The people are multi-dimensional poor. I strongly believe that if the Church is good, the entire nation would be good.
“As a leader, when you are cut-cornering, you are cheating on the nation and the nation would not move forward as well.
“This is a country that pray so much. This is a country that has a lot of Churches and this is the same country where evil multiplies everyday. So, something is wrong somewhere and it is because the Churches are not doing very well to arrest the situation.
“It is only when the Churches start doing well that is when God will hear our cry like he heard the cry of the Israelites in the Bible, when they were in wilderness.
“The Church should do more on her responsibilities of building up people with Godly character, people with good morals and with this measure, there will be no crime for the government to fight on.
“So, prayers and working with God remains the only solution to Nigeria problem,” he added.
Ezenwaji also called on the church leaders to intensify efforts in the ministry of children so as to catch them young into noble characters as they grow into maturity.
Nigerian Tribune gathered that the 3-day Synod with the theme “Running the Christian Race: Implications for the church in perilous times” attracted the presence of over 25 Bishops , hundreds of clergy, traditional rulers , government functionaries amongst others.