Robby Phiri, 48, of of Kabangwe area in the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia, narrated before the Lusaka Boma local court that his manhood had an erectile dysfunction after an intimate lovemaking with his wife who came back from a three-day outing with tattoos around her waist.
According to Zambia Observer, this is in a case where Robby’s wife, Evelyn Ngaligane, 46, filed for the dissolution of their 30-year-old marriage.
Robby told the court that his union with Evelyn had no issues until she changed her religion from Islam to Christianity and started attending one of these ‘go deeper papa’s churches’.
He revealed that his wife travelled to Mumbwa on pretext of attending a friend’s funeral but to his shock, Evelyn came back with marks around her waist.
“When I asked her why she did that, she answered me that it was her body and that she can do to it as she pleased,” Robby said.
Robby begged to have his wife stay as he is currently sick and needed her care.
However, Evelyn was bent on divorce as she dismissed her husband’s plea stating he was a very violent man who beat her brutally.
She stated that Robby beat till her leg got swollen.
“As I stand right now my entire leg is swollen because he beat me blue black last week Wednesday. If it were not for the neighbours who stopped him, he would have killed me,” Evelyn said.
She stated that a sick man could not beat his wife the way he did.
Evelyn added that the reason she got tattoos was to preserve the lives of her children as she had had three still births apart the other five children she had for her husband.
Upon hearing the couple, the Senior Local Court Magistrate, George Kaoma, adjourned the case.
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