THE news was broken to the Quraesh tribesmen that the people of Yathrib had accepted to be followers of Islam and the Messenger of Allah (SWT). The Quraesh were bitter as a result of the development. They summoned a crucial meeting immediately. The meeting was held at a traditional hall known as Daru-Nadwa, and owned by Qusayy ibn Kilab.
At the meeting, options to get rid of the Prophet (SAW) were considered. At the end of the day, the consensus was that the Prophet (SAW) must be assassinated. However, the plot should be strategised such that their act might be covered. Enemies of the Message must have felt, though wrongly and at their own peril, that Allah (SWT) would watch over them undermining His Noble cause, the call to tawheed (monotheism). The evil plot against the Prophet (SAW) in Daru Nadwa was revealed to the Prophet (SAW), and he was commanded by Allah (SAW) to proceed on migration to a destination identified as Daru-Hijrah.
Men that were designated to assassinate the Prophet (SAW) had surrounded his home and taken positions to strike. At the appropriate moment, Allah (SWT) instructed RohssulLahi (SAW) to move out of his home. He had asked Aliyy ibn Abu-Talib to take over his sleeping space in a way to sell a dummy to the enemies. And they were truly deceived. The Prophet (SAW), at the very moment of making his passage, recited from Surah Ya-sin (Qur’an 36:9). The supposed assassins hanging around to kill the Prophet (SAW), one after the other, fell into deep sleep, and in this miraculous manner, the Prophet (SAW) made an escape. After the Prophet (SAW) had departed safely, the enemies came out of their slumber to discover their foolery that it was Aliyy ibn Abu-Talib they mistook for the Prophet (SAW) on the bed.
The Prophet (SAW) fled in company with his close associate, Abu-Bakri (R.A.). The enemies were on the trail of the fleeing men. On getting to Mount Gar Hirai, the Prophet (SAW) with Abu-Bakri (RA) had to take cover in a hidden tunnel. The team of the enemies got to the tunnel suspecting that the Prophet (SAW) could be inside. In the meantime, Abu-Bakri (R.A.) was scared so much that he wept bitterly, believing that they would be discovered in their hiding. But the Prophet (SAW) calmed him; that Allah (SWT) was always there for them. Another miracle occurred here. First, a shrub sprang at the mouth of the tunnel almost instantly. Then cobwebs covered the entire opening of the tunnel as designed by a strange spider. Then two doves came perching at the same time on the tunnel’s opening. Some ancient historians recorded that the two doves laid an egg each immediately on the spot. Allah is great!
Upon their approaching this tunnel, the Quraesh tribesmen stopped abruptly by instinct. The killer-squad was ordered by the leader to go into the tunnel for the Prophet (SAW). But one of the men retorted, ‘No! Can’t you see? The cobwebs at the mouth of the tunnel could be older than the son of Abdulahi himself! He can never be inside this tunnel with the eggs of the doves at the entrance unbroken and the cobwebs unruffled. Allah is Al-Azeez (the Mighty), Al-Jabar (the Compeller). Allahu Akbar! Historians recorded that the Prophet (SAW) invoked Allah (SWT) to make the enemies unworthy of their sights in that moment so that he and Abu-Bakri (R.A.) would not be sighted by the enemies.
The Prophet (SAW), together with Abu-Bakri (R.A.), spent three days in the tunnel. Abdul-Lahi ibn Abu-Bakri (R.A.) would come with food to keep them fed and stay overnight in the pit with them. No one would see him enter at dusk or leave at dawn, except Amiru ibn Fuhaerata who would shepherd his animals to disguise with what went on. The two of them would return with the herd at dawn. All of this was in a bid to keep the enemies eyes off the tunnel where the Prophet (SAW) and Abu-Bakri were hiding. May Allah (SWT) reward those who were part of the first generation of Muslims abundantly for all they were put through by the enemies of the Message and the Messenger.
Many were the events and incidents which passed for miracles and wonders, particularly in the course of the Prophet (SAW) fleeing Mecca to Yathrib (Al-Madinah) with his followers. A particular incident of note was the declaration of an attractive reward for anyone who could kill the Prophet (SAW) or bring back to Mecca to be killed. It was at that period that a man came to inform them in Mecca that he witnessed a large group of people on their way to Yathrib, and that he was sure the Prophet (SAW) with his faithful followers made up the group. Suraqat ibn Malik al-Madlajiyy, one of the Quraesh that turned themselves into enemies of the Prophet (SAW) would not want to miss out on the bounty on RohssulLahi (SAW). This man took off with his horse and headed towards Yathrib in search of the Prophet (SAW).
Suraqat ibn Malik al-Madlajiyy got very close to finding the Prophet (SAW) and his followers. Just then he fell with the horse. He was not going to give up the search. He got the horse back on its feet and took off again. He over-heard some Qur’an recitation close to the point he was and he realized that he had caught up with the group. The Prophet (SAW) was reciting from the Noble Qur’an and would not know all that went on. But Abu-Bakri (R.A.) was always on the lookout, watching for the Prophet (SAW). Suraqat ibn Malik al-Madljiyy was prepared to strike when the limbs of his horse got stuck in the sand up to the knees. With much effort the horse’s limbs were freed but the resultant clouds of dust which strangely manifested itself in thick smoke took over Suraqat ibn Malik al-Madlajiyy and overwhelmed him with trepidation. He realised in that moment the truth of the Message and the Messenger, RohssulLahi (SAW); he realised the futility of his misadventure. He called out to the congregation of Muslims who were standing with the Prophet (SAW), and the people responded to his call. He told them all he had planned against the Prophet (SAW) and the events on his way to getting the Prophet (SAW) assassinated. He testified to the fact that the Messenger and the Message were truly Allah’s (SWT) designs.
He was convinced beyond any doubt and he recounted genuinely. He added that all that happened clearly showed that the Prophet (SAW) was destined to be accepted and revered all over the world. He offered the congregation food items and other utilities but all these were turned down by the congregation of Muslims. In the end, Suraqatu ibn Malik al-Madlajiyy requested that a Memorandum of Understanding that would put his mind at rest be made by the Muslims, and the Prophet (SAW) directed that Abu-Bakri (R.A.) should grant the request.
In the meantime, the information on the movement of the Prophet (SAW) in the company of his faithful followers reached the people of Yathrib, as the Prophet (SAW) left Mecca for their city. They became elated and expectant. Every day, men of Yathrib would go to Harrah on the outskirts of the city, anticipating the arrival of the Prophet (SAW). They would return home only when the heat waves peaked at noon.
It was a Yahood (Jewish tribesman) who went out on the field that sighted from a distance, the Prophet (SAW) and the entire caravan approaching the city of Yathrib (Al-Madinah). The Yahood spontaneously began to scream, ‘Arabians! The long-anticipated blessing of Allah (SWT) is finally here!’ As soon as the news of the coming of the Prophet (SAW) to Al-Madinah reached the people of the city, they trooped out to welcome the August visitor, RohssulLahi (SAW) and the entourage in the warmest manner at Harrah. The Prophet (SAW), too, was elated ad he filed past the joyous people of Al-Madinah. The Prophet (SAW) was sheltered on that glorious day in Quba by the family of Amr ibn Aof. It was a great day, the second day in the lunar month of Rabiul-Awal. Gregorian equivalent of this day was 20 September, 622.