The Kremlin will patiently wait for a statement from the United States so that it can understand what the future holds for United States-Russia relations, Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
“We will be patient and we will be waiting for a statement about concrete (U.S.) actions that will allow us to understand … perspectives for bilateral relations,” Peskov told a conference call with reporters.
Peskov commented after United States President Donald Trump addressed Congress on Tuesday.
Trump did not mention Russia by name, but in a possible nod to his bid to warm relations with Moscow, said: “America is willing to find new friends, and to forge new partnerships, where shared interests align.”
NAN recalls that on Tuesday, Russia Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow is open for an improvement of relations with Washington through pragmatic dialogue.
“There are no alternatives to changing the atmosphere of relations for the better, and especially their quality,” Ryabkov was quoted by TASS news agency as saying at a round-table meeting in the State Duma, the lower house of parliament.
He said: “whatever happens, a pragmatic dialogue on the basis of equality and mutual respect for the real interests of each other remains the benchmark for Russia.”
Ryabkov said Russia-United States ties were currently at the lowest point since the Cold War, as the previous U.S. Administration of Barack Obama had “completely destroyed in a short period of time the foundations of cooperation built up over many years.”
Noting that an anti-Russian stance and Russophobia sentiment well established in Trump’s opponents could hurt the prospects of improving bilateral relations, Ryabkov said Moscow is working hard to minimize such damage.
Meanwhile, Ryabkov said Moscow was ready to hold discussions with Washington regarding security, including the United States endeavor to build a global missile defense system, and the development of non-nuclear strategic weaponry within the Prompt Global Strike programme.
According to Ryabkov, preparations for meetings between presidents of the two countries are underway, with details on dates and venues undecided.