THE story of the ten lepers in Luke chapter 17, verses 11 to 19 highlights an essential truth about gratitude and its connection to God’s blessings. Jesus healed ten men, yet only one returned to express thanks. While all were healed physically, the one who came back received something more. Jesus told him, “Arise and go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole” (Luke 17:19). His prompt gratitude led to deeper healing—both physical and spiritual. This emphasizes the principle that when we promptly express gratitude to God, it opens the door to even greater blessings.
Prompt gratitude reflects confidence in God’s love; expressing gratitude to God immediately demonstrates trust in His goodness and timing. Just as the one leper returned to give thanks, we too should promptly acknowledge God’s work in our lives. This act shows that we trust not only His provision but also His care for us in ways beyond our understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to “trust in the Lord with all our heart,” and from this trust, gratitude naturally flows. We are not waiting to see if God’s cheque will “bounce”. We place our confidence in God’s love, and we thank Him immediately. This way, we align with His plan and position ourselves to receive even more blessings.
Expressing gratitude strengthens bonds in human relationships, and the same is true with God. The one leper who returned not only received healing but also experienced a profound encounter with Jesus. His act of thanksgiving completed the cycle of blessing, allowing him to fully experience God’s grace. By giving thanks, we acknowledge that all good things come from God, which strengthens our connection with Him.
In addition, promptly thanking God cultivates a heart that is open to receiving more of His grace. The leper’s return set him apart from the others, and his thanksgiving led to a blessing beyond physical healing—he received wholeness. As Luke 16:10 reminds us, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” When we faithfully thank God for small blessings, we open ourselves to more of His love and grace. A heart ready to give thanks is a heart ready to witness the fullness of God’s generosity.
Gratitude leads to more blessings; the leper’s gratitude did more than restore his health—it paved way for greater spiritual transformation. By being quick to thank God, we become more attuned to His daily blessings, whether big or small. Gratitude sharpens our awareness of God’s presence and leads us into greater intimacy with Him; experiencing His love in new ways. Each time we give God thanks, we deepen our relationship with Him because gratitude opens doors to growth in faith and spiritual transformation.
Prompt gratitude leads to greater blessings. It honors God, strengthens our faith, and opens us up to more of His love and grace. Has God blessed you today? Don’t wait. Give thanks now and experience His love and goodness fully.
- To be continued.
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