There are many behaviours and body processes that encompass female sexual identity. This has also been attributed to social, cultural, spiritual and psychological aspects.
There are many behaviours and body processes that encompass female sexual identity. This has also been attributed to social, cultural, spiritual and psychological aspects. Moreover, there are many other issues and aspects involved in female sexuality; religion, morality and ethics. These notwithstanding, the standards of female sexual climax have changed for several generations. Before now, women were not bothered about having sexual orgasm, but today, many women are interested in the issue of sexual orgasm.
What exactly is female orgasm? You will be surprised that some people, even women, don’t know.Sexual climax or orgasm in women happens when there is a sudden expulsion of sexual tension during the response cycle. This results in rhythmic muscular contractions found in the pelvic region, which is characterised by an intense feeling of pleasure.
According to medical experts, every woman, should be able to achieve orgasms and women have the ability to experience multiple orgasms.
Unlike men, women find it hard to achieve orgasms since there are different ways and levels of sexual stimulation in to reach it; some women may even need more than a single type of sexual stimulation to experience orgasm.
There are two kinds of female sexual orgasm namely: vaginal and clitoral orgasms. According to studies, about 80 per cent of women experience orgasm through direct stimulation of the clitoris. In other instances, even indirect stimulation to the clitoris is enough. Orgasms achieved in the clitoris are easy to achieve because it has over 8,000 nerve endings, which is much higher compared to the glans penis of a man or any other body part.
The other category for female sexual climax is called the vaginal or the G-Spot. This type of orgasm is more difficult to experience, but can produce the orgasm when properly stimulated. The G-Spot has a distinct structure and the location varies from one woman to another.
Useful tips for enhancing female sexual orgasmOne main difference between male and female climax is the fact that female climax is not simply a mechanical thing. Males can achieve orgasm once their penis is rubbed, even in circumstances not involving any love or romance. In order for a female to reach orgasm, there are certain things to consider first
:• Romantic ambiance•
Comfortable, pleasant environment•
A partner whom she likes or loves•
The feeling of appreciation or being wanted•
Natural flow of lubrication•
Skilled partnerIf you lack any of the factors mentioned above, there is no easy chance you can have a good female orgasm. Moreover, women need more than sexual intercourse to have a climax. Additional stimulation by mouth or fingers may be needed.
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(Additional report from WomensHealth).Â