PERHAPS the perfection in the creation of man has made the development of the universe possible. Perhaps the creation of man from nature made by Allah has made the world a wonderful place. (Qur’an 30:30; 9:17) Perhaps, the beautiful fashion of man in the womb by the Great Fashioner has made the world today a fashionable place to live (Qur’an 3:6). Perhaps the endowment of man with invaluable faculties by the Almighty has made it possible for man to conquer nature and make the world a fascinating place to live, (Qur’an 92:5-10) Perhaps the provision of facilities to man by the creator according to his needs, wants and action has made it possible for us to have progressional development in the world.
Perhaps, the subordination of all things in the universe to the usage, enjoyment and manipulation of man has made it possible for man to aspire for discoveries in the world (Qur’an 2:29, 22:65, 31:20, 45:13). Perhaps, the breathing of divine spirit into man has made it possible to engage in mysteries to unravel world development (Qur’an 32:9) Perhaps the superiority of man to other creatures has made it possible to act as giant in the development of the world (Qur’an 17: 70).
Indeed, Allah has elevated man above the brute animals because of improved faculties. He did more than create us with just a body and a brain. We have special mental and emotional qualities that are invaluable. And a key part of our mental and emotional make up is free will. The planting of faculty of freedom of choice in man by Allah is a wonderful gift.
At least by sending the Great Messenger, Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), to mankind with the everlasting message of Holy Qur’an that is incorruptible for all eternity, we have been shown the way of good and evil so that we may choose (Qur’an 41:40, 76:13, 70:10, 91:8). After all, we cannot know what is right if we don’t have or know what is wrong.
“Those who reject the Holy Qur’an (The Message) when it comes to them are not hidden from us. And indeed it is a Book of exalted power. No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it. It is sent down by one full of wisdom worthy of all praise”. (Qur’an 41:21).
Apart from developing the physical, mental and spiritual being of man in order to make the world a better place, Allah has uniquely designed the world as delightful place to live.
Allah is He who raised the heavens without any pillars that we can see. What we see is the blue vault of heaven. But as Allah is firmly established on the throne of authority, there are invisible forces or conditions created by Him which should impress us with His power and glory.
It is God who subjects the sun to serve us by providing us with energy so that plants may form photosynthesis for growth so serve as food for us and other purposes. The moon is made to provide light while the hundreds of billions of stars beauty the sky With the regulation by the invisible Allah the sun, the moon, and the stars run their courses for appointed time to provide comfort for man
“It is not permitted for the sun to catch up the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day: each just swims along it its own orbit according to Law”. (Qur’an 36:40).
The earth, with its protective atmosphere is a unique home designed for us by a caring God. He spread out the earth, and set mountain standing firm, and flowing rivers from where fruits of every kind come in pairs. The night is made to draw as a veil over the day, (Qur’an 13:2-3).
Perhaps as a reflection over these wonderful works of God, man has explored the world for better understanding. Thus, science has opened up exciting vistas of knowledge of our world and the universe. It has inspired hope of better new world in every century rather than fear and despair Most people really admire science in view of its many accomplishments in medicine, engineering, communications, astronomy, and other disciplines. Indeed, Allah hath created with unlimited capacity for progress (Qur’an 87:2;38:75).
Though scientific discoveries in recent time are bedeviled with credibility problem due to ordinate ambition of sophist scientists for fame, money, and power, the branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts has touched the lives of almost all people living today.
Truly, it is science that has expanded the scope of understanding of the world and universe by man.
It has actually made it possible for man to conquer suture. It is science that has made us understand the complexities of nature such as the solar system, astrology, and other heavenly bodies.
Even the understanding of the living cells, science has unraveled the mysteries of the complex nature of living cells. A molecular biologist, Michael Denton, actually reveals that “even the simplest of living systems on earth today, bacterial cells, are exceedingly complex objects. Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small…. each is in effect a veritable microminiaturized factory containing thousand of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery… far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world”.
Such other appreciations of the complex nature of man include the brain which contains more connections than the entire communication network on earth. What of the unique blood system that transports nutrients and oxygen and protects against infection? And to show that science will continue trail and the wonderful works of Allah without end, science continues to find alternative to blood without end.
Even the human eye is so superbly designed that no camera can duplicate it. It is science though that has revealed to us that the human eye sees a far greater range of detail than film does.
As they see in three dimensions, at a tremendously wide angle, without distribution, in continuous motion… It will be an unfair analogy to compare human eye with the camera.
Science has contributed greatly to life’s wonderful look than in the previous centuries. Life became easier, livelier, more enjoyable and hopeful than before.
The propeller airplane featured in 1903 through the discovery of Orville and Wilbur Wright. The polio vaccine was discovered in 1955 by Jonas E. Salk. The ball point came about in 1943 by Laszlo Biro. The electronic computer which is the craze of the modern world was discovered by science in 1945 by J. Preser Eckert and John W. Mauchly. The television technology as we use it today was discovered in 1924 by Vladinuir K. Zworykin.
Really, the list of discoveries through science is endless. The washing machine was discovered in the 1901 by Longmuir Fisher, while the air condition was done by Willis H. Carrier in 1911.
The microwave oven was made known through Percy L. Spencer in 1947, while space shuttle which was done through NASA in 1977 at penicillin was discovered in 1929 by Alexander Fleming.
Since Allah is the Truth (Al-Haqq) and Islam is based on Truth that is the unity of the invisible Allah and total submission to Him, all forms of scientific discoveries are in consonance with Islamic ideas and doctrines because it is based on truth.
Allah actually commend us to seek for knowledge which happens to be the first revelation to mankind through Prophet Muhammed (Qur’an 96:1-5). And the prophet enjoins us to seek for knowledge, no matter the distance even if it is in far away China.
“Read in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher who created – created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood: Proclaim! And thy lord is most beautiful, – He who taught the used of the pen; – taught man that which he knew not.” (Qur’an 96:1-5)
Thus, Islam and science are in harmony, especially where the discovery doesn’t portend the mislead of man from His worship alone. After all, where the laws of the nature are fixed, and everything runs according to its appointed course, the government and regulation behind it is still that of God. Where there is limited free will as in man to explore nature, yet the ultimate source of man’s faculties is God. God cares for His creatures. He doesn’t as in the idea of polytheistic Greece, sit apart on Olympus, careless of His creatures.
So, all forms of scientific discoveries should be dedicated to Allah who is the source of all knowledge and understanding.