Kindly let me know why I always feel tired on waking up every morning
Slim (by SMS)
Without proper sleepĀ (around 7-9 hours for a healthy adult), the brain and body cannot be replenished. A sluggish mind plus a sluggish body equals a bad day. You can fix this by getting into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every night, even on the weekends. Have a routine set for bedtime (e.g., shower, put on jammies, dim lights, read for 30 minutes, lights out.) Your poor sleeping habit can also be caused by Poor nutrition/Bad Diet. This problem can also be solved by eating a well-balanced, healthy diet made up of adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and vitamins. Stress, Dehydration and a sedentary lifestyle have also been found to cause poor sleep and early morning tiredness. All these can be handled with adequate rest, increased water intake and regular exercises such as walking. The act of walking at a reasonable pace is one of the best exercises to clear your mind.