For close to three months now, the rate of accidents around Orita Challenge area of Ibadan, Oyo State, has increased tremendously, as many lives have been lost, while many families have been thrown into sorrow and bitterness.
Most of these accidents are caused by reckless driving, drunk drivers or depressed people behind the wheels.
I recently witnessed a horrible accident caused by a reckless truck driver which led to the death of a motorcycle rider and a passenger.
Accidents on this road are occuring too frequently compared to other roads.
There are some cases where vehicles will go off-road to hit someone selling by the road side.
Reckless driving is very dangerous; it affects the drivers, the passengers and pedestrians.
This is the reason there should be fight against reckless driving and drunk drivers, we should all be concerned about our lives and that of people around us. We must be sure we are strong and balanced to drive before we get behind wheel.
Our lives are important to us and our family and we shouldn’t do anything that will cut short our lives before time by taking caution before driving.
Therefore we enjoin the Governor Abiola Ajimobi led administration to put necessary measures in place to checkmate this phenomena. I will suggest that the service of agencies like “yes o’’ should be extended to this end. Not that the Road Safty are not doing well, but in my opinion, they need more hands, because they cant be every where.
Olateju Mariam, Ibadan, Oyo State.