True men of faith are men of action. They take steps that line up with their conviction. They don’t just dream; they dream and wake up to live the dream.
In Hebrews chapter 11, we have the record of some heroes of faith. They lived as they lived because they believed God and desired to please Him. They desired the heavenly country. It is the desire for that heavenly country that will make a man forsake earthly pleasures, focus on God, and live a pure and holy life. It is desire for that heavenly country that will make a man to sacrifice all – even his life – knowing that it is better to be there than here:
Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
So, we need to decide to live our lives as people who are sold out in full and radical commitment to Jesus Christ. When we are asked to become radically committed to Christ, it is not an invitation to loss and death. We see in the word of God and in history that those who defend their faith in God and say, “if I perish, I perish” actually do not perish. God arises on their behalf!
They accused Daniel to the king because he would not stop praying to his God; he would not stop demonstrating his faith in Jehovah. They tricked the king into sending Daniel into the den of lions. But what happened? God delivered Daniel. If you trust in Him and live for Him, He will deliver you too in Jesus’ name.
Why did God starve hungry lions for a whole night? It is because someone believed in God and he acted accordingly, even when threatened with death. It is because a heathen king hoped that God would show up, to the point that He did not eat or sleep. How could God ignore such faith? Today, our Lord says to us once again,
Luke 17:6 … If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
Let us demonstrate our faith in God, and He will always show up for us. He will uphold us to the end.
Are you reading this today, and you have a challenge, a problem, a difficulty, or a need? Please have faith in God. God is able. What can be more dangerous than being thrown into a den of hungry lions? Many of us cannot even come near lions that are in cages, but Daniel was thrown directly into the den of hungry lions. Why did Daniel come out from the lion’s den unhurt? Daniel 6: 23 gives us the answer; “…because he believed in his God”.
Let us believe in our God and act accordingly. If we do, we shall surely overcome.
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