With the advancements in technology comes the various introductions of various appliances into our households, microwaves inclusive. Microwaves make life so much easier, however, many myths are associated with their use.
In this article are some of these myths and the truth about this appliance.
1. Microwaves Cause Cancer
A major myth about the use of microwaves is that they cause cancer. This myth is based on hearsay that microwaves emit harmful radiation that can cause cancer.
This is untrue as the type of radiation they emit is non-ionizing, which doesn’t affect DNA or increase the risk of cancer. Microwaves are designed with safety features that prevent radiation leakage and are thoroughly tested and regulated to ensure they meet safety standards.
2. Destroy Nutrients
Another myth about the use of microwaves is that they destroy the nutritional value of food. While it’s true that some nutrient loss can occur during cooking, this happens with all cooking methods, including the use of gas cookers, stovetops, and microwaves.
Microwave cooking can sometimes preserve more nutrients than traditional methods because it cooks food quickly, minimizing exposure to heat and moisture.
3. Microwaving food in plastic containers dangerous
Many people believe that microwaving food in plastic containers can release harmful chemicals into the food, leading to health problems.
While it is true that some plastics can release chemicals when heated, most plastic containers made for microwaving are safe to use. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), glass, ceramic, and plastic containers labelled for microwave oven use are recommended as safe.
So, if you intend to use plastic containers for microwaving your food, ensure you get those labelled “microwave safe” and avoid using old or damaged plastic containers that may have cracks or scratches.
4. Microwaved foods are dangerous
Another popular myth about microwaves is that microwaved foods are dangerous.
This is untrue as microwaving your food doesn’t make it radioactive. Microwaves are not radioactive, they are electromagnetic, so there is no possible way they can make food radioactive. The microwaves penetrate food and cause the water molecules and other electrically asymmetrical molecules to oscillate, which warms the food.