Those who are aspiring for big positions in the country should set their priorities right. An aspirant with the wrong motive cannot serve the public interest in any way.
A leader who is only motivated by personal interest has nothing to offer. The masses are now craving the Solomon of our time who will demand for wisdom to lead, and who will not seek office merely for monetary gains. There is nothing wrong in contesting for a lofty post if the motive behind it is right.
Those who have leadership acumen cannot be self-centered. Honestly, the masses are longing for a leader who will open up the economy and facilitate the establishment of companies in the country where jobless graduates will be gainfully employed.
The fact is that those young people who are gainfully employed will act as responsible people in the society rather than engaging in social vices. Acquisition of wealth should not be the priority of a good leader who has public interest in mind.
The truth of the matter is that those who are custodians of wealth can serve the public without contesting for big positions. There was never a time that Bill Gates contested for any position in the United States of America. Yet people around the world are benefiting immensely from his wealth till now.
The 2023 general election is fast approaching. All the aspirants should endeavours to set their motives right.
Rev. Oladimeji Michael Olalekan, Ibadan, Oyo State.