UNLIKE egocentric presidents of some African countries that always travel abroad for medical treatment that could be done on their shores, the President of Namibia, Mr Hage Geingob, died while receiving treatment in his dear country.
Sadly, many health clinics in Africa have dilapidated structures and a lack of modern equipment. They are congested and staffed with quack personnel. At the same time, prices of drugs are increasing on a daily basis.
If our leaders want to reap a good harvest after their tenures elapse, they should plant the seeds of improving the conditions of hospitals.
They should not be busy spending huge sums of money in foreign lands in the guise of medical check-ups.
They should make medical treatments free, especially for poor citizens, reduce the cost of surgeries, provide vaccines against contagious diseases in villages, as well as building a legacy in the health sector that will last for decades.
If they do so, people, irrespective of religion or tribe, will never forget them and will definitely pray for them whenever their names are mentioned.
Mukhtar Garba Kobi, Bauchi State