Schools resumed for third term of this academic session last Tuesday. Pupils of Toyosi Schools, Basorun, Ibadan, relate how it feels to resume for another term what the first day back in school was like.
Caleb Daramola, 8 yrs old, Pry 4
On resumption day, I was very excited to be in the school because of the money daddy gave me for my books. if he did not give me, I would not have had anything to work with in class. That morning, the principal charged everyone on their responsibilities throughout the term such as doing assignments properly, being prompt and obedient to school’s rules and regulations, guarding against the use of foul language as well as exercising self-control because I will be accountable for every action of mine.
Emmanuel Adetoyi, 9yrs old, pry 5
The excitement and eagerness to reunite with my friends, made me wake up at 3a.m on Tuesday morning. I could not hold back my joy when I entered the school compound. I had missed my friends, teachers and classes especially photography class which was of help to me during holiday when my family went to take some photographs at a photo studio. The photographer asked of our preferred style of photograph and I responded. He was surprised and impressed so I told him it is one of our extracurricular activities in school. However, my mood changed when the Principal told us not to swing and when my teacher warned us not to get bad scores in the term; it got me thinking on how to work hard and have good results.
Ewaola Olabinjo, 10 yrs old, pry 5
It is my final year in primary school and I am looking forward to being in secondary school by next session. This reason alone made me very happy to resume school again. During the resumption talk, I picked the challenge to come to school on time, have needed materials, stay on task, do assignments, be organised and prepared for classes, as well as putting efforts at being my best throughout the term. Pupils’ responsibilities state that we should: appear in appropriate uniform for each day and be punctual.
Tolulope Olugbemi, 8yrs old, Pry 4
One of my drives to be in school again this term especially on resumption day was the usual interesting assembly moral talks, which I had missed so much. I also resumed with expectation of meeting and introducing myself to new students. I was glad new pupils were enrolled into the school. I am looking forward to acquiring more knowledge in Mathematics in topics like Perimeters, Area and the likes, now that we are preparing for Common Entrance. I cannot for any reason miss photography, craft, cake and make-over classes too.
Samuel Adigun, 9 yrs old, pry 4
I woke up on the first day of resumption at 5:30a.m as if it was my birthday. So I got to school around 7 o’clock. We were told to read up on what the word ‘responsibility’ meant and on the second day, we were asked questions. I was among those who answered questions during the assembly. I was able to register in my mind that the use of abusive language is wrong and therefore prohibited in school, I will take responsibility for everything I do, either good or bad. Since then, I have been more careful.
Kingsley Otunla, pry 5
I am a Togolise who relocated to Nigeria. One of the things that excited me at resumption was learning to write English language more again this term. We were enjoined not to be covetous, be polite while relating with classmates and many more were taught on the assembly the day we resumed. These morals help me even at home and in other gatherings.
David Daramola, 10 yrs old, pry 5
When my daddy gave me money to buy either snacks or food, that registered in my consciousness it was time to resume school activities. I felt excited going back to rules such use the walk-way, use the nearest dust bin, do not come to school with phones and the likes, all of which if you violate will attract punishment because we were told on the first day that that each student will take responsibility for his or her activities.
‘You will take responsibility for your actions,’ is now slogan in the school and it is guiding all of us not to misbehave.