When you run away from water and you run away from soap and your hands are dirty and you want to wash it clean, how will you wash it? Jesus is the source of life, he has the cleansing water, he has the word of God, and therefore all those who remain without Jesus Christ their own self-righteousness cannot save them.Only the righteousness of Jesus Christ saves.
Those who die in their sin, what is awaiting them? Those who remain in the church but don’t receive salvation of Christ; they don’t live a sanctified life: what is their end? The end of the polluted, the end of the unjustified in this world is hell fire. Hell is a place of fire,not ordinary fire but such that is burning with brimstone; a place of torment prepared for the fallen angels and all who follow them. The end of the unrighteous, those who failed to purify their hearts to wear the righteousness of Christwill be hell fire. That will not be your end in Jesus Christ’s name Amen. The unclean in heart will never be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of heaven is for the holy. God is holy, his kingdom his holy, nothing unholy; nothing defiling will enter therein that is the authority of the word of God.Because God will not want the sinner to pollute heaven, therefore the unrighteous, the unholy, including liars, fornicators, idolaters,will not have a place before the Holy God. Lying is a big sin, it is the fundamental of all sins, therefore liars will not get to heaven, they shall have their part in the lake of fire, where there would be no way of escape.
Sin is a hindrance to heaven. Sin blocks admission to heaven, therefore we must be cleansed in this world. The sinner who remains adamant and refuses to renounce his sin will receive eternal condemnation. You know in this world there are courts andcourts; you can go from one level to another, to a higher one. You can go to the Appeal Court, then to the Supreme Court, but in heaven where God lays his final judgment there is no appeal.
In God is no partiality of anybody, he doesn’t look at your face. Therefore,those who want to seek the face of the Lord in heaven must purify their heart; otherwise the Lord will disown them at the judgment seat. Matt.25:41. Judgment will be given to those on the left hand I know you not, and they will begin to tell stories.May we not tell empty stories. May God recognize us in heaven. The sinners will hear on that day:“I don’t know you”.They may know you in your church, you may be the head of your church, you may be an officer in your church, you may be well known in the world but are you known to God?, Once God says I don’t know you, who will know you? Maywe never hear such a word. There are worms in hell,and the mosquitoes there don’t die. You can kill mosquitoes of this world with the clap of your hands but the ones there don’t die, and the fire never quenches.It is hot as anything. It is not meant for man, but the sinners will face the consequences of their sins. That is why God is telling us blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Do you want to see God, do you want to see His beauty, do you want to see His glory;you want to see that beauty of heaven which is greater than the glory of this world, it can never be compared to anything. Paul said what eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither enter into the heart of man, the thing which God had prepared them that love Him (1 Col 2:9). What they cannot see in Abeokuta, London or America. There is a place in France,they saysee Paris and die. It is so beautiful that even when you see it once and you die you are fulfilled. What eyes have never seen, what no man has ever dreamt of, what no man has ever imagined, the thing that God has prepared, that is what is waiting for us if we cleanse our heart.
Blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God. I shall see God, you will see God. God give us the grace to see him. Having heard the word of God are there hindrances in your life? Are there things that you know will be hindrances in your life? Are there people you will never greet? Do you have problem with anybody? God wants you to clean your heart and make your heart pure. For the word of God says: Blessed are the pure in heart not those who wear white clothes but whose hearts are pure. May God make our hearts to be pure in Jesus Christ’s name.