The internet encompasses a lot of opportunities and has in-built search engines and social networks. It is revolutionary technology device that has come to elevate our being.
This internet has both good and bad sides. Anyone can exploit the aspect he wants, this internet serves useful purpose for all classes of people. One should acquire computer skills and use it to ones advantage.
Educationally, the internet should be a unique source for all students to explore for solution to their myriad of problems, particularly academic.
But reverse is the case students, however, often misuse the internet and this is inflicting harm on them, student should read textbooks and materials from the internet.
Also, he should have one-on-one beneficial  discourse on crucial issues with people, and also on the internet.
Some student see the internet as an added advantage to build themselves as scholars while most students are misusing it, let use social networks like facebook. The comment from youths are most times not so encouraged, student also explore the internet for solutions to their assignments by lifting another person’s views without crediting the source.
The internet is the international computer network connecting other networks and computers across the globe and is one of the greatest benefits accruing from technology in the 21st century.
However, students should do this, so that the nation will not only be breeding gurus but also revolutionary thinkers that believe in idea as the sole ingredients for break into new grounds.
Agbooola–Bello Oreoluwa