So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel”. You have read it and I have read it very well from verse 6-13; Phinehas had to avert the plague that day by removing sin. So when God is telling us to contend for the faith we must understand what we are to contend against. When we compromise with the bad habit or attitude of the people, we are not contending for the faith.
Sacrifice of self (Rom.12:1-2; Gal.2:20). And you must make a sacrifice of self, i.e. dedicate yourself as a living sacrifice. The devil cannot cast away devils; so when you are not against them, when you don’t have power over them, it doesn’t work. Paul said, “I am crucified with the Lord; leave me alone, because I have the mark of Jesus.” If you must have that mark as a believer, sacrifice yourself.
Also you have to mortify the deeds of the flesh. The flesh and carnality must be subdued, buried and interred for the Spirit to reign.
The fire of true worship has to be ignited and rekindled. That’s part of what we are doing: To raise up the fire of the Holy Spirit through Apostolic Worship. Your worship must be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost not just going there praying in the morning and worshipping. The Bible says, in Galatians 3:3; “are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Where are we ending? Where are we heading to? Even till this morning the Lord is still reminding us as leaders, as parents; what are they going to take over from us? Our Apostolic Heritage, many have forgotten it. Power of the Holy Ghost is disregarded: they don’t believe in any power; they just believe in education, reading; education only without the power of the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual unity is a very crucial part of our heart for the Christian faith and the life in Christ of this Church. Spirituality cannot be given second position, it is primary. That is what Paul presented.
Let us conclude because of our time. I have so much to say but because of our time; are you ready to contend for the faith, or you just hold the faith loosely? Are you ready to receive new power during this Convention? To contend for the faith, the will of God must be done. His will must be done, not your will, not my will, not our will but the perfect will of God in all ramifications. In everything, in the administration of our doctrine, in our movements, in our prayers, in our meetings, the perfect will of God must be done. And that is contending for the faith.
Not doing or joining any side that is contrary to the perfect will of God; the great thing is, holding the truth. It is a pity many of us do not hold the truth. That is why hypocrisy is growing wings amongst us. Deceit: Jesus will kill it from us now; he will kill it from our midst because it is the truth that sets free. Therefore, equip yourself from this Convention by seeking the power to contend for the faith.
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