Stability and Sustenance in partnership with Engraced Events has announced over N10 million grants to student entrepreneurs and small-scale businesses in its forthcoming Nigeria universities talent and skill monetization campus tour programme.
From 7th to 28th March, six selected Nigerian universities will experience the rave of Stability and Sustenance where students will learn from seasoned entrepreneurs how to monetise their skill and grow their respective businesses.
The Stability and Sustenance campus tour which is tagged “laff & learn” will have as a mentor, Nigeria’s celebrated comedian, Josh2funny who has been featured on the immensely popular American Got Talent (AGT) show.
He will share his expertise and experience
of comic contents to not only bring relief to millions of Nigerian households but his international fame and wealth creation from comic contents.
Starting with the University of PortHarcourt on March 7th, to Veritas University in Abuja on March 12th and Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma in Edo State on 14th March, existing and potential student entrepreneurs will have real time engagement with renowned business professionals, coaches and the opportunity of winning business grants.
Other universities that will play host to the Stability and Sustenance talent and skill monetisation programme include University of Nigeria Enugu, University of Calabar and University of Lagos, all in March, 19th, 26th and 28th respectively.
According to Melody Fidel, founder of Stability and Sustenance who will be the lead instructor and mentor of the campus tour, the 2025 campus tour is aimed at encouraging students to embrace entrepreneurship, self-reliance and job creation.
Melody, internationally celebrated and award winning entrepreneur-missionary said, “it is worrisome that many parents toiled to send their children to the university and after graduation, the parents are still struggling to fend for the graduates because of lack of white collar jobs. Our campus tour is to educate and empower students with the ability and capability to become employers of labour rather than wait for employment after school.”
“At Stability and Sustenance, we don’t just talk. We provide practical solutions to the problem through expert tutoring, community mentoring and provision of grants to deserving budding youth and entrepreneurs,” he stated.
Itoto Emmanuel, CEO of Engraced Events said, “it is exciting to be working with Josh2Funny on this campus tour because of popular appeal among Nigerians. Aside fun, the show will also serve as a platform for advocacy against social vices such as cultism, drug abuse and general violence.”
Stability and Sustenance platform provides youth and entrepreneurship coaching across Africa and United Kingdom with hundreds of thousands of mentees from many nationalities in the social media spaces.