Hello Dearest Investor,
INTRO- Welcome yourself to this great bitcoin mining and investment Platform, we always have the latest and the most reliable data and information in the Bitcoin industry.
BIT INVEST WORLD is quite clear and intuitive.
We have tried to do our best to ensure that you won’t have problems when using it and that your investment is 100% safe.
By now you must have heard of how profitable bitcoin is, it is also a globally recognized and accepted business that works in any country of this earth, so why leave money lying fallow in your bank account when it can work for you and earn you profit?.
Website: www.bitinvestworld.com/free.htm
Speak to our consultant if you need to have a one on one chat, its allowed here, so as to have confidence in your investment
Simple analytical example
      Imagine depositing 2000 dollars now and having your account credited with 300% (8000 dollars) immediately, then calculate 13% profit daily on 8,000 dollars daily for the next 5 days, it means that in 5 days time,you are already having 65% of 8000 dollars as your profit, then add your capital and withdraw which is 8,000 (capital plus bonus) + 5,200 ( profit/interest) =7,200 dollars, you will see that in less than a week, you have already withdrawn over 7,200 dollars AS PROFIT AND CAPITAL, though you can decide to re-invest it or spend your money on whatever you like as you are in total control of your money from deposit to withdrawal process on this platform. Tell us why you should ever starve of money again, your money is already working for you. You can decide to sleep, travel, work or do whatever you like while all these are happening as you are already financially made. People then begin to wonder how you made it overnight without sweat. As at 2017 bitcoin turn so many people into overnight millionaires, especially in December and it is time again to be part of history. Take the risk and thank us later, that is if you call it risk but it is worth it.
Benefits of investing with BIT INVEST WORLD.
- Huge Profits + 100% Capital
• 100% Real, Trusted & Legit, you can do your research. - Globally recognized and safe investment.
• Instant Withdrawal: Our system is automated withdrawal system which makes withdrawal Instant and dollar to naira conversion within 10 minutes. - 300% bonus credited to your account on your first investment only, hence first investments are always worth it.
• 24/7 Support: Standard Telephone calls and email support.
And Lots More….
We have been in business for years, hence we are tested and trusted, here we do not Rob Peter to pay Paul but we simply invest your investment into Bitcoin investment, Short term Real Estate deals and Crude oil, these are investments that sometimes even rakes in 100% profit daily, hence there is never a chance of loosing
Learn More Here:
If you are a beginner or you have never invested in Bitcoin before or do not know how it works BUT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN INVESTING, then feel free to book for a FREE tutorial by sending a mail to [email protected] or request for a telephone number to speak to a consultant, also ask the consultant about other special investment packages like the VIP package if you are interested.
There is absolutely no risk involved because you are not trading but investing and again there is a guaranteed growth in what you invest in, whether the price falls or rises, we also do not interfere in your investment as you alone have access to your username and password, just like when you have a bank account with any bank and have the details for login, you can withdraw anytime of the day even at 2am because it is your money, so you can see its WIN WIN WIN all the way
One will wonder why such opportunities will come your way and you will have a good reason for missing out or not participating. Who then do you blame?
Kind Regards,