MORe than anything else, it has been repeatedly established that it is not the number of years in the life of a man that signifies the quality of life but the life that imbues those years. At very important stages of humanity’s evolution, the world witnessed the emergence of particularly unique individuals who altered the course of human history. Of such men, the human race remained particularly grateful, especially given the quality of life that they led in positively impacting on people. But again, no person has impacted so many lives as the Christian gospel has told of the unique and distinguished life lived by the Lord Jesus. Living only for 33 and the half years on earth, he healed, delivered and transformed the lives of those who came in contact with him. His birth, live, purpose, sacrifice, love, death and resurrection were all foretold.
Today, robed in such garment is none else than the founder and senior prophet of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Temitope Balogun Joshua. The birth, rise and continuous rise of this apostle of faith were not only foretold but have remained an unusual reverence point of how powerful God’s grace can influence the life of a man. Without a scintilla of doubt, the trajectory of his life attests to the rich and abiding fulfilment of the promises given by a Saviour who made humanity his love and choice. Born exactly 55 years ago and with a humble beginning, Prophet Joshua chose a life sold out to God and his will at a very young age. The mysteries that surrounded his birth, his parentage, the hardships that peopled his journey so far, the spate of criticisms and the misrepresentations have all but singled him out as one whom the hand of the Lord greatly rests on.
Foremost evangelist and one of God’s generals, C.S. Up thegrove, testified glowingly about the power and influence of God over Prophet T.B. Joshua. “I have been in the deliverance ministry since I was 15 years old and my life seemed almost complete, since I had seen miracles all over the world with Great Generals from all over the world with Great Generals from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, including pasturing a great church in Miracle valley, Arizona under the direction of Apostle A.A Allen. The one thing that I had not seen fulfilled was a prophecy that he gave to me personally.
“One day, while he and I were riding along his car, A.A Allen turned to me and said: “Brother Upthegrove, I may not be living when this comes to pass but I believe you will. He began to describe a time coming when Azusa Street Revival in 1906, under the direction of William Seymour, would be just a beginning of what god was going to do.
“Please, hear me now I know about the miraculous. But from the moment my feet walked on the holy ground of the SCOAN, excitement began to build in my soul as I saw the desperation of the thousands of sick and afflicted form all over Africa and other nations. They came together for a miracle. I knew this was it. I had the privilege of watching the Wise Men lay hands on the sick and cast out demons. God spoke to my spirit and said “What you are seeing is the prophecy being fulfilled in this place. I will pour our my spirit in this place.”
“Recently, I had the privilege of joining my spiritual son, T.B. Joshua in Cali, Colombia, with approximately 50,000 people in attendance each night. In all my 70 years in this ministry, including being in service with great Generals of the faith, Oral Roberts, Catherine Kuhlman, William Branham, Jack Coe, A.A. Allen and many others, I had never seen so many people get out of wheelchairs and give up their crutches, walking and praising god for healings and great deliverances.
“Thank God, I have lived long enough to see the promise come to pass, this Prophet of God, T.B. Joshua, is so anointed by the spirit that many times, all he has to do is speak the word and the sick are healed. I am so blessed to be part of the Synagogue, Church of all Nations family.”
Across a significantly large section of the world, the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua loudly affirm the depth of God’s love for man and the miraculous intervention of the power of the Holy Spirit. In a spirit-led revelation, Prophet Joshua in one of his messages had this to say about the purpose of life: “The purpose of life is to glorify God in good times and hard times alike. In Job 2:10, God is whom He says He is. He does not change. When our purpose is clear, our life would have meaning. We should acknowledge God in both hard times and good times. He gives and He takes at will. It is not our own hard work or skill that enriches us; it is by God’s blessing. There is no room for any man’s boasting of his ability or power.
“This explains why people like me who without fast legs, smoothness of tongue, ability to inspire people and great strength to deploy should ever remain grateful to God for the purpose He has designed us. The same that gives also takes away. This is all that Christian life is about. This is the purpose of Christian life. The same that gives also takes away at His will. We must adore God at all times and fall down to worship Him. Hard times must not stop us but encourage us to exercise our faith as a Christian.
“Remember, the devil wants you to curse God while under pain, trial, temptation and affliction. That is why the devil takes delight in inflicting pain on people. But those who bless God in trouble, pain, and affliction prove their sonship.”
- Oyetimi writes via [email protected]