OVER time, thousands of people have seen the theory of libertarianism (freedom) as a bad idea if adopted for any community. They believe that freedom might end up making a lot of people a nuisance in their environment.
If we look at what libertarianism brings into our society, we would see that it is the best ideology that can be adopted to create a good society.
Freedom can be applied in our personal, family, and social lives, as well as in our political ideas. It means that no obstacles are placed in your way, and no restraints prevent you from acting as you choose.
You exercise freedom when you don’t violate the rights of your fellow citizens. That is, your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.
In a free society, you don’t violate people’s rights and they should not violate yours. This brings us to the role of the government in a free society. The major role of the government in such a society is to protect our freedom and our rights against violation by others.
The government protects and expands our freedom.The government creates a simple law that protects every individual right of citizens.
It creates a society where people can trade freely and express their minds without infringing on the rights of their fellow citizens. The power of the government is limited in such a society.
In a free society, evil acts such as threats, robbery, attacks, coercion, murder, frauds and intimidation, are all easy to eradicate.
And if we achieve this, that means we are all living in a good society. So, if we would not allow other citizens to rob or limit us, why should we allow the government to do so?
The government often creates rules and policies that are not favourable to citizens. Government officials often violate the right of its citizens in Africa.
However, when people come together to form a government or any other authority over themselves, this is what they have in mind: to protect and expand their freedom, not to restrict it.
In a free society, entreprenuers are willing and happy to create businesses that will improve the economy. But in a less free society where taxation is too high, entrepreneurs are scared of establishing businesses. This is because of the fear of government taking over the businesses in the long run.
All too often, governments are not created to protect people’s rights. They are imposed on the population by groups that are willing to use power to serve their own interests. Such predation often occurs with the full consent of the majority, who in turn gain from exploiting the minority.
The government goes further to forbid any criticism of its actions, and suppresses any ideas that it finds threatening. This is why the theory of libertarianism needs to be preached to all citizens of this nation.
Libertarianism is the only ideology that can move this nation forward. It promotes peace, love and liberty across the globe. It supports gender equality, entreprenuership, charity, solidarity, trust, cooperation, capitalism, responsibilty, free markets, human rights, tolerance, kindness, love, freedom, and prosperity .
Freedom in the society doesn’t even stop there, it goes into our religion and it preaches what our religion depicts. Many religious leaders think libertarianism is a western idea but its not. As a christain, Libertarianism was what Jesus preached giving two rules that says Love your God and Love your Neighbour.
As a christian, these are the laid down principles you’re meant to follow to be regarded as a christian. Now if you love your God, you won’t sin and sinning against God means going against his wish and hurting your neighbour. When you love God, you don’t steal, cheat, lie and do all sorts of evil acts. And Iibertarianismgoes against evil acts.
Sanni Oluwafemi
Sanni Oluwafemi a student of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB)