I am always under pressure to urinate. Kindly let me know what to do about this. I am a 60 -year old man
Oluwole(by SMS)
If a man has a constant urge to pee hemay have an infection (UTI) or other health condition such as an overactive bladder, or an enlarged prostate.Less often, some forms of cancer can cause this. Other symptoms of a UTI include:a burning sensation when urinating, a low body temperature, cloudy or bloody urine, cramping in the lower abdomen or groin. In addition, If a person has an overactive bladder (OAB), they may feel the urge to urinate even when there is little urine in the bladder. Having an overactive bladder causes the bladder muscles to squeeze too often. This can lead to the frequent need to urinate. Various neurological conditions can cause overactive bladder, but sometimes, the cause can be unknown. A variety of medications can treat OAB, but a doctor will first need to rule out a urinary tract infection (UTI) and cancer before starting treatment. However, at your age, the possibility of an enlarged Prostate cannot be ruled out.The prostate is a gland near the bladder that produces semen. As males age, their prostate becomes larger. If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that urine passes through. This can affect how you pee and may cause: difficulty starting to pee. a frequent need to pee. Every man with BPH can make some easy lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms. It has been suggested that limiting fluids a few hours before bedtime and drinking less fluids that can make you go more often, like alcohol, soda or other fluids with caffeine.Similar lifestyle changes and control techniques can also help treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. A doctor may also prescribe medication to treat an enlarged prostate, and in rarer cases, they may suggest surgery. For most people, medications, lifestyle changes, and coping strategies can either solve the underlying problem or help minimize the effect the symptoms have on their daily life. Because problems peeing can be a sign of more serious health conditions, it is important to speak with a doctor to work out the cause of the issue.