IT was barely a month after the demise of Nana Khadijah bint Khuwaelid (RA) when Abu-Talib, the benevolent uncle of the Prophet (SAW) died. Abu-Talib was known for his great protective influence on the Prophet (SAW). The three years clampdown on the Muslim faithful in Mecca was carried out partly because Abu-Talib had refused to grant the request of the Quraesh tribesmen to hand over the Prophet (SAW) to them to be killed.
The Prophet (SAW) did all he could to make his uncle profess the article of faith in the khalimatul-Sha’adah,La ilaha ila Allahu, to noavail. The Prophet (SAW) grieved over this development. The Muslim Ummah do seek Allah’s (SWT) mercy for Abu-Talib who died at the age of 87. The Prophet (SAW) chose to visit Ta’if town in Thaqif for possible support because of the hostility from the people of Mecca. He was focused on spreading the Message. However, he came to Ta’if to meet worse hostility from the people. He was accompanied to Ta’if by one of his attendants, Zaydu ibn Harithata. Upon his entry into Ta’if, the Prophet (SAW) met with Abduyalayhi, Mas’ud and Habib who were sons of Amru ibn Umaer. The three men were very important leaders in Ta’if. They rebuffed all entreaties from the Prophet (SAW). They eventually subjected the Prophet (SAW) to heavy punishment at the hands of miscreants who stoned the Prophet (SAW) out of Ta’if. He was soaked in his own blood. His companion, Zaydu ibn Harithata shared in the experience in Ta’if.
Out of Ta’if, the Prophet (SAW) with his companion took shelter under the shade of a tree on a field owned by Atabat and Shaebat, who were both sons of Rabiah. The two men were haters of the Prophet (SAW) and the Message.
Meanwhile, the Prophet (SAW) had asked Allah (SWT) to ease the task for him after he had managed to get out of Ta’if. But the Prophet (SAW) would rather not approach Atabat and Shaaebat for any succour because the two brothers were identified enemies to the cause of Islam and the Prophet (SAW). However, on sighting the Prophet (SAW) in his pitiable condition, the two men were sympathetic. They sent their messenger, Adas, to get the Prophet (SAW) some food. The Prophet (SAW) was surprised and he began to take the meal with the statement Bismi Lahi Rahmani Raheem. Adas, shocked at this, remarked that no one in that community ever uttered such statement for anything. The Prophet (SAW) sought to know where Adas came from. When Adas mentioned that he was from a place called Naenawa, the Prophet (SAW) exclaimed: “Naenawa! Town of the Messenger of Allah (SWT), Prophet Yunus (AS).” On hearing this from the Prophet (SAW), Adas further asked how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) got to know much about Prophet Yunus (AS). The Prophet (SAW) then recited some verses of the Noble Qur’an in which the story of Prophet Yunus is relayed. Adas converted to Islam that day.
Much later, Angel Jibril appeared to the Prophet (SAW) while he was still under the shelter of the tree to request if the Prophet (SAW) would ask Allah’s (SWT) deserved punishment for the people of Ta’if on account of the pains and anguish visited on him.
However, Prophet (SAW) would rather plead with Allah (SWT) to forgive and be kind with the people of Ta’if, because they knew not exactly what they were involving themselves in. Angel Jibril then confirmed some of the appellations of the Prophet (SAW) such as one who was full of kindness and sympathy (Qur’an 9:128), one who possessed the highest moral excellence (Qur’an 68:4), etc. as conferred by Allah (SWT).
A number of Jinn approached the Prophet (SAW) when he was reciting verses from the Qur’an. They came to listen to his recitation and went back to report to their folks, saying, “We have heard and listened to the recitation of the Qur’an which was revealed upon the demise of Prophet Musa (AS).” The Jinn had been followers of Prophet Musa (AS).
The Prophet (SAW) was made to embark on an all-important spiritual journey in the Night of Al-Hisra was Miiraj by Allah (SWT). Angel Jibril was in charge to conduct him through the journey. Qur’an 17:1.
On the Night of Al-Hisra wal Miiraj, the Prophet (SAW) arrived at Al-Qudus Mosque, and was appeared to by Angel Jubril right there in the mosque. Angel Jibril hosted the Prophet (SAW) with three forms of liquid drinks, namely water, wine and milk. Rohsul Lahi (SAW) took some quantity of the milk only and left others untouched. Angel Jibril informed the Prophet (SAW) that his deed was exactly the dictates of Allah (SWT). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) demanded an explicit interpretation of this from the Angel, who then explained to the Prophet (SAW) that if he had drunk from the liquid wine, none of his followers would be granted Jahnna (the abode of Paradise). The Angel further said that if Rohsul Lahi (SAW) had drunk from the water content, all his followers would be much involved in matters of the world so much that none of the followers would faithfully serve Allah (SWT). The explanation went further that if the Prophet (SAW) had drunk the liquid milk completely, all his followers would be granted Jahnna unhindered. When the Prophet (SAW) heard this, he sought to finish up the rest of the liquid milk, but he could not. He was told that the eventuality of that had been written. On that very Night, the Prophet (SAW) had the privilege to meet all the prophets that came before him. He led all of them in solat. The Prophet (SAW) ascended to the seven heavens and came back with the five obligatory solat.
In the year that followed, there came a group of twelve sojourners from a city called Yathrib. The Prophet (SAW) met with them in Aqabah andengaged them in very intimate talks. There used to be two main clans in Yathrib at the time. The two clans were Aos and Khazraj. Among this group of people were 10 men of Aos extraction and two Khazraj. At the end of their talks, the 12 men were inclined to accept Islam as their faith. They made a covenant with the Prophet (SAW) that they would not go back to their sinful past as thieves, adulterers and as people who used to kill their infants for fear of penury. With the covenant, they all returned to Yathrib. It could not be ascertained whether these men actually returned to their place of origin to become faithful Muslims (Allah knows best).
The Prophet (SAW) detailed Mas’abu ibn Umaer al Abdariyy and AbdulLahi ibn Maktum for the main task of teaching the Yathrib men the Qur’an. The agreement the 12 men of Yathrib signed with the Prophet (SAW) on accepting Islam was called Bay’atul-Ula or Al-Aqabatul-Ulla.
A year later, many more of the Yathrib clans came visiting Mecca on the Hajj pilgrimage in the very month of Hajj. The Prophet (SAW) once again had to confer with their leadership overnight. Sixty-two of the Yathribs were of Khazraj clan and 11 were of Aos clan. The two women included were Nasibat bint Kaab and Asmau bin Amr. Abass, one of the uncles to the Prophet (SAW), was also a trusted guard working for the safety of the Prophet (SAW). He attended the overnight discussion with the Yathrib clans, too. He was blunt with the people when he asked them not to engage in double standard in their rapprochement with the Prophet (SAW) and his team. He advised them to be dignified, even if they had to turn down the Prophet’s (SAW) entreaty. He made them aware that the Prophet (SAW) was a highly revered personality in the city of Mecca, whowould not be allowed to be subjected to any form of humiliation.
In response, the people of Yathrib pledged their total submission to Islam.They concluded by requesting the Prophet (SAW) to go ahead and carry out his intention with them. The Prophet (SAW), in his short speech to them, asked for Tawheed (belief in the oneness of Allah). He also demanded that they should offer him their protection against enemies. The people unequivocally granted all the requests from the Prophet (SAW). Barrau ibn Maarur was one of the first persons to shake hands with the Prophet (SAW) among them.