24-year-old Azeez Alamu is the first First Class graduate from the University of Ilorin’s Department of Political Science since it’s establishment in 1982. He graduated with a 4.58 CGPA. In this interview, he tells YUSUF ABDULKADIR his success story and how he feels to be the first to attain the feat.
HOW does it feel being the first student to graduate with a First Class in Political Science from the University of Ilorin 40 years after the establishment of the department?
I feel very much grateful because I see it as grace from God. I don’t have two heads, I’m just a manifestation of His grace.
Do you agree that lecturers have been deliberately denying students the First Class position with strict marking?
It’s a matter of belief. Even as a fresher, I never subjected myself to negative sentiments and orientations. Yes, so many senior colleagues said that to me but I strongly believe in myself. This is not to say that those before didn’t have faith in themselves, I just believe the fact that someone’s failure can’t hinder my success. When I gained admission, a lecturer once mentioned it as well that it was not possible, I never felt shattered by his statement. I took it as his opinion since it has never happened before.
Were you ever discouraged with what the lecturers said and the fact that no one had ever attain such feat?
Yes, there was something of such even from the lecturers. They advised I shouldn’t overstress myself and that it’s not possible to graduate with a First Class. I said ok to them and keep doing my thing. I love reading at my most convenient time and I don’t miss classes for anything. I’m confident in my assimilation level hence I held confidence in the positivity of my examination outcome. My smart work couldn’t have earned it if God hadn’t predestined it, so, I saw myself winning this as a product of God’s grace.
What did you do differently to break this record?
We have different desires and determination in life. I actually don’t see it as a special win other than the fact that it’s a new occurrence in my department. I’ve always been an ‘A-grade’ student with God’s permission. I can’t say precisely what I did specially because I see myself as too busy than any other students. I held commitment with close to 10 associations on campus if not more than yet I was an active student throughout. What I can say is, I’m a very good listener, I don’t pay deaf ears to my lecturers analysis. I collide their views with my knowledge & understanding, hence I saw myself acing my courses.
When did you start leading your class?
From the onset of my academic life, it has always been like that with the permission of Allah. I led my Class from basic school at Ansār-ud-deen Primary School to The Polytechnic, Ibadan, and here at the University of Ilorin throughout.
Would you say you were a genius or was it just hard work to have achieved such feat?
I’m just a product of God’s grace. I studied smart, prayed, and was determined to achieve the feat and God granted it.
What birthed your interest in the course?
I love government right from secondary school to the extent that there’s hardly any topic in ‘Government that I don’t know about and I personally studied JAMB Brochure in my SS1 which made me outline courses like Public Administration, Political Science, History, and International Studies and some other courses that are closely related to Government, so I decided to go for Political Science. My interest shoot up when I discovered that political scientists are problem solvers. I love solving people’s problems hence I went for the Gold.
Do you see this happening again anytime soon?
Yes. By God’s grace. I pray it does happen outside Nigeria to further reinstate Nigeria’s commitment to academic excellence and personal fulfillment.
Did you in any way encounter difficulties in securing admission into the university?
Yes. I processed BUK but my mother said I shouldn’t go because of the Insurgency in the North in 2014. Then, I processed OAU & University of Ibadan. After UI & OAU denied me admission, I went to The Polytechnic, Ibadan for Public Administration before proceeding to study Political Science at the University of Ilorin.
Which part of your course did you find most interesting and challenging?
Any course that’s related to policy and administration is beloved while the challenging part of my course is making rigorous research about current happening in the international system.
What was your happiest moment in school?
The day I received my first Scholarship from UNILORIN – ₦94,300. I was surprised and happy because I was not expecting it.
If by chance you got retained as a lecturer at your department, will you take the job or where would you like to work?
I’ve always been passionate about learning & teaching. I wish to become a public policy expert. Research endeavors through Lecturing could walk me through my career path, so it’s a Yes if I’m offered an opportunity to teach in the department. Though public policy and administrative management is the goal, I still can’t do away with impacting lives.
What other activities do you engage in while studying?
A lot. First, religious, then extracurricular activities such as debate & engagements with diplomatic and several volunteering platforms. I was the Class Governor of my level throughout my stay on campus, I was a one time General Secretary and another time President of DSA; a mentorship association, former PRO of FIBSU, a full-time political stakeholder in the department, Faculty and Students’ Union, Active member with Junior Chamber International (JCI), volunteer with YALI Network, an active member with FILSU, Electoral Commissioner with ISERH and the Students’ Union, Faculty of Social Sciences Chief Judge, PRO of MSSN, organizers of different programmes and projects through servitude in different committees from the department to the Students’ Union level. I also made myself available for personal and group tutorials across related faculties
What challenge(s) did you face in school?
To be at different places at the same time due to an avalanche of commitments in several places. The most trying ones are programmes/meetings that collide with my classes which I can’t miss class. They’re really difficult times but I scaled through them. It might sound funny though but the values and impacts I get from attending or volunteering at those events can’t be evaluated.
Is there anyone you are looking up to as a role model in the academia?
I just want to be the success in my story. I don’t have a one-figure role model. Once I see you’re doing well, I tap the aspects I envy of you and work towards sustaining the same in myself. I want to become my role model.
With all the problems/challenges facing the country, do you think there is still hope for Nigerian students currently schooling and those seeking admission?
God is the fashioner of life. I believe there’s hope for Nigerian students currently schooling and seeking admission but the hope shouldn’t be rested solely on academic success.
What would you advise students, both the fresh and those already in school, to do to have an excellent result just like you?
Be dedicated to your studies, don’t miss classes, study at your most convenient times, don’t be a boring student, and don’t overwhelm yourself with too much activities beyond your capacity.