Getting instant loans to finance your project is now made easy through different means which are accessible with just a click online. Read below how to empower yourself financially, build your project, and fulfil your dream, and share with everyone in your circle.
Aella Credit provides Instant loans to Africans who can prove a source of income either through their employers or individually. We are at the forefront of financial inclusion and empowerment of the underbanked. You can download the Aella app here to get started.
Branch is a bank in your pocket, there for you at all times. Our first service is credit. We use technology to dramatically reduce the cost of delivering financial services in emerging markets. Click here to download the branch app.
Paylater is a simple, entirely online lending platform that provides short-term loans in Nigeria to help cover unexpected expenses or urgent cash needs. You can apply for a Paylater loan 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with our quick application process that lets you know your status within minutes. For online loans in Nigeria without collateral, fast loans and quick loans in Nigeria, download and apply for Paylater loan. Click here to download the paylater app.
ALAT by Wema is Nigeria’s first fully digital bank. ALAT allows you to make and schedule transfers, save and pay bills automatically, get your bank card delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria, get a virtual dollar card, get up to 10% interest on your savings and apply for quick loans. Click here to download ALAT app.
Kwikcash is a service that enables you get quick loans from N1000 to N100,000 credited to your account in few minutes. never get stranded again. kwikcash is always an option & works only for 9mobile subscribers. good reason you should be on the 9mobile network. simply dial *561#, select from a range of loan amounts what you want, confirm your bank, enter your account number & your account gets credited. you get your alert. it works like a breeze.
Social lender is an initiative of the Sterling Bank. A lending solution based on social reputation on mobile, online and social media platforms. Small cash requests are offered to members of Social Lender communities with a valid bank account. Cash requests are guaranteed based on the user’s Social profile and reputation. Click here to get started.