Views vary when it comes to the difference in age that should exist between couples in a relationship or marriage. Some prioritise a partner who shares similar interests, values, and beliefs, regardless of age. Others consider age to be an important factor that influences compatibility. This matter prompted our question for today. Below are the responses of some of our contributors:
Abdulrahaman Olayinka
I prefer a man that is at most three years older than me (I am a very free and playful person in a relationship). That does not make it a particular reason − love is beyond age, it is not a barrier. In as much as we are like-minded, and he is supportive, religious, smart, and potential, I feel that should be the priority. The highest age difference I could opt for is ten years.
Barakat Adejumo
Many claim age is just a number, but I do not agree with that when it comes to relationships and marriage. I consider age before accepting a proposal. I do not have a particular age preference. However, I prefer my partner to be older than me, and that difference could be between one to 10 years. Some men could be older and not mature enough. I could marry my age mate but not someone I am older than. I cannot withstand having a little argument with my partner and he is asking: “Are you doing this because you are older than me?”
Hannah Elegbede
Though age is just a number and there is no universal rule dictating the ideal age difference between partners, I still have a particular age difference that should exist between me and my partner, which is a maximum of four to five years and a minimum of one year. The reason is that I want a mature individual who could reason beyond my experience, see me as a kid sister and also aid me in being submissive to him as the scripture instructs us. Ultimately, this is just part of what I would use to define my relationship.
Abraham Oshinubi
The ideal age difference between partners varies greatly and depends on personal preferences, cultural norms, and individual circumstances. Some people prefer partners who are close in age for shared experiences and compatibility, while others are open to larger age gaps for various reasons such as maturity or wisdom. Ultimately, the most important factor is a healthy and balanced relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and communication. Age should not be the sole determinant of compatibility, as emotional connections, shared values, and common goals are crucial elements for a successful partnership. It is important to prioritise qualities that truly matter and contribute to fulfilling relationships rather than focusing solely on age.
Oladayo Onitayo
Some things come with age − maturity, experience, stability, among others. To discard these things just to sound esoteric or modern is to prepare an excellent recipe for future disaster. For me, partners should be at least three years different in age, with the man leading. You would not understand this fact fully until you are deep into this thing called marriage.
Olorunfemi Elefin
I do not really think that age difference is necessary in a marriage where both partners love themselves. The major thing that sustains a marriage is love and understanding. A man could be older than his partner and that does not mean there would not be issues and a female partner can be older than the man and things would be working out perfectly. Love covereth all things.
Showami Oyeyinka
I do not believe in a specific age difference one should look out for when choosing a spouse because if there should be, the relationship would be biased. Rather, we should work like partners irrespective of an age difference. One major prayer I think we should always say is for the Almighty to provide for us our better half. One who would always be there for us, irrespective of an age difference.
Iyoshose Agyose
I have not seen age as a barrier with whom I would marry, specifically someone older than me. Age only signifies birth season difference. To a larger extent, if some core values which I seek in a relationship − such as love, understanding, trust, and communication − are intact, I am set to go. In a quest of getting a life partner, I look for the above core values, not minding the age difference. I would not mind marrying an older person who would love, respect, and give me peace.
Danny Ajiduku
Age difference is not biblical or a set-out rule. Age difference in marriage is mainly for submission and respect for your husband. I have set five years age difference with whom I would marry because age matters in a marriage. I have seen that with my parents. Women want mature men and that starts with your age. They believe that older men have better life experiences and know better than them.