I am a 60 -year old man. I have been having difficulty with sleeping for the past two months. I checked my Blood Pressure and my other vital signs and they are normal. Kindly let me know if I can start taking some sleeping tablets.
Kenny (by SMS)
Before you start taking sleeping tablets, there are some things you can do by yourself. Firstly, you will need to avoid any form of stress either from work or from family issues. In other words, don’t take anything other than yourself to bed. Also, you need to create the right type of bed frame, mattress, and pillow that suit your age and body. In addition, ensure that your beddings (pillowcases, bedsheets, and duvets) are clean and changed frequently. It is also important to regulate your room temperature and ventilation to what suits you. Some people even go as far as creating a peaceful ambience in their bedroom by choosing light wall colors and adding wall art. However, if all these fail, you may need to see your doctor for a prescription for a mild sedative.