In this column, I have consistently proffered solutions by way of ideas, strategies and plans as my humble contributions to ongoing efforts to ensure that workplaces perform at their best and productivity expectations are met, no matter how challenging the economic climate may be.
Today, I will briefly examine “Dialogue and its optics” and why leaders of businesses must make it a priority in order for it to serve purpose.
By nature, optics is multifaceted. It encompasses the core principles, diverse subfields, practical applications and future strategic directions.
On the other hand, dialogue shares same characteristics. It is the multifaceted process of meaning-making, relationship building and social/economic transformation. Its significance for us in this write-up is its ability to foster understanding, empathy and positive change in the workplace specifically with its key characteristics of reciprocity, respect, openness, mutuality and focused communication.
I will therefore be discussing (briefly) such topics as; why dialogue must serve purpose, why it must unlock business success, the difference between workplace cooperation and collaboration, creative collaboration, teamwork and team building as well as productive teams; diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and also, team dynamics.
Dialogue must deliver objective facts through speech or writing. In its natural and captivating form, dialogue must solve challenges (no matter how complex), take the workforce through critical junctures such as jettisoning factors undermining progress and sustainable development. It must preserve (fruits of dialogue must always be remembered) hard-won gains and successes. These are, indeed, values of shared progress. Dialogue must truly serve its purpose of facilitating collaborative interconnection, regularly fixing broken trust and filling gaps to create prosperity.
There must be dialogue for actions propelling the organisation forward. Colleagues who are definitely equipped with knowledge, skills and vision to meet challenges, must listen to one another, agree to disagree and express value-adding views. Dialogue in the workplace, must fully play its role in fostering and harnessing collaboration for transformational change.
Before I continue, let me note some few things about meaningful dialogue and the topic pyramid. This pyramid has at its base the “mirror questions.” Then we have topic switching and follow-up questions. Mirror questions, which are often used to satisfy politeness norms, lack authentic curiosity and care. For meaningful dialogue, we must have less of mirror questions and more of, follow-ups. Tonality is also very crucial in dialogue. Do you shout at your colleagues? Are you always careful to maintain decorum?
I am sure, we are aware of the Law of Vibration. It is an important law of human existence. Thoughts that are expressed as words are forms of energy that are vibrating and radiating out of every individual. They impact people and their circumstances. We must be careful to manage thoughts and words scientifically. Restrict your words to desires that guarantee success.
The strongest overall predictor of team success is not the individual talent. What makes the difference is shared success. Team members must imbibe the confidence to work together. The ability to work collaboratively as a team is important to the success of the team, over and above the individual talent of any one team member. Supportive keys are; effective, open and transparent communication, shared ideas, feedbacks that are not held back by vulnerabilities, trust and respect as well as the ability to, without hindrance, solve problems together. Productive guides for team dynamics include: common goals, shared interests and clarity on organisational needs. Inclusive building blocks for genuine transformation are: education (regular empowerment with knowledge), consultation (no one-size-fits-all solutions to challenges), communication (honest dialogue that fosters culture of inclusion) and nurturing a workplace where every employee thrives (people-driven and not just about the leaders).
With down-to-earth value delivering dialogue, the leader will achieve authentic rhythm in the workplace. His DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) strategy to ensure that the workplace performs at its best will be guided by determination to understand people through honest dialogue and dialogue-led inclusion.
Leadership is a journey. People follow the leader not because of positional power or organisational prototypes, but influence achieved through empathetic styles that honour employees. The Leader must regularly hear their views. Cooperation in the workplace is achieved when leaders and followers work together but creative collaboration becomes the order of the day, when the workforce is desirous and committed to working together. Verna Myers, former Vice President of Netflix noted that: “Inclusion is like everyone who has been invited to the party and also invited to the dance floor to dance.”
Let me conclude with how dialogue unlocks business success. Analysis of organisation’s value chain will reveal that dialogue is the strategic tool that provides interconnection for value creation. From enhancing efficiency to differentiation from competitors and strong relationships with customers. Listening to their needs, tailoring solutions to provide maximum value, building trust and loyally, going the extra mile to understand and cater for individual customer needs, effecting changes based on customer insights as well as gathering and processing feedbacks.
Do you know that insight selling bears fruits when you shine the light of dialogue to customers and recognise value? Also, outcome selling is “dialoguing” to find solutions to customers’ problems. Outcome based thinking achieves business outcomes when you ask such questions as: Why not do it like this? Why not leave it the way it is because of the big risk involved, and what is the transformation you are trying to make here?
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