Chief (Mrs) Nike Akande, an accountant and investment expert, was a two-time Minister of Industry, a director of many companies and the chairman of Oyo State Education Trust Fund. In this interview with TAYO GESINDE, she speaks on why women must join hands with men to move Nigeria forward and how she has improved upon ETF in Oyo State, among other issues.
You were appointed the chairman of Oyo State Education Trust Fund last year, can you share with us some of your achievements?
Let me start by thanking Governor Abiola Ajimobi for initiating this idea and supporting us. I want to make it known that OYO ETF is working and everybody is getting to know. This in the first instance can be confirmed in the Government Technical Colleges in Ibadan, Oyo, Iseyin, Ogbomoso and Saki and we have not stopped. The students, their parents and even the staff of the colleges have been acknowledging and appreciating the ongoing transformation of the learning/teaching atmosphere. They have been calling and visiting our office to register their appreciation to government for the changes in the colleges. Public secondary schools in the state are also receiving the attention of OYO ETF. Already, arrangements have been concluded to distribute free exercise books to the Senior Secondary students of public secondary schools in the state. The production of the exercise books was funded by the OYO ETF with the approval of the governor and they are now ready for distribution. As more money comes into the purse of the Fund, more interventions in forms of new constructions, renovations, provisions of teaching and learning materials with relevant seminars/workshops for teachers and students would be enjoyed in order of priority by all levels of education in the state.
Also, the award of contract for the renovation of another set of thirty three (33) seriously dilapidated and completely unusable buildings at the five government technical colleges in the state has been concluded and contractors are already being prepared to go to the sites. In a few months from now, the second set of renovations would also have been completed and all the government technical colleges in the state would be wearing new looks of conducive learning atmosphere that would eventually entice the technically oriented students to the colleges for the sustainable development of skilled manpower, technology development in the state and the products would not be waiting for employment opportunities but would rather be employers of labour.
What were the challenges you faced when you came on board?
Funding was a major challenge. We have been relying on what we got from well meaning Nigerian during the launching of ETF and what we get from government. Also, the fact that before any step can be taken to achieve the aims and objectives of this establishment, approval must be sought, due processes followed and permission taken is another challenge. This is because files have to travel from table to table and from building to building and this takes a lot of time. Notwithstanding, I am coping, since the processes are targeted towards transparency and accountability.
Do you think this initiative can be sustained when Governor Ajimobi leaves office next year?
With the aims and objectives behind the establishment coupled with the activities of the Fund, I doubt if any government would want to cancel such a noble vision. We all have come to realise that government alone cannot single-handedly fund education, if the best is to be given to children who are expected to be the leaders of tomorrow. I believe there is no government that would resist the help of the people to prepare a better future for her people.
I want to also believe that Nigeria has got to a stage where continuity in governance is being embraced. Gone were the days when projects and gesture of past administrations were allowed to rot away. Love for the people should overpower any sentimental or personal issue. For instance, the Agodi Garden was the initiative of the Obafemi Awolowo Administration in the old Western Region but the current administration has turned the place into a unit that is presently servicing the needs of all and sundry. With continuity in governance, there is no fear about the future of Oyo State Education Trust Fund.
As a boardroom guru, what roles do you think governments at different levels can do to revive the educational sector in Nigeria?
If the quality of education in Nigeria is to be developed in a way to make it compete favourably well with other countries of the world, a lot of efforts would have to be put in place. I want to even add that reviving the educational sector in the country should be a joint responsibility of everyone: the government, parents, religious groups, the society, the community, the education managers, teachers, school owners and even the students themselves.
On the part of government anyway, conducive learning environment would have to be provided, school buildings should be solid and not dilapidated. A wide variety of teaching and learning materials should be made available. There should be a strong and solid inspectorate. Teachers should also be given the opportunity of self-development through workshop, seminar, refresher courses where latest ideas and modern methodologies of teaching would be learnt. There should also be improved and prompt release of fund to the educational sector.
Governments at different levels should encourage contributions from well-meaning Nigerians to assist in the revival of the education. Education in Nigeria should be devoid of politics. The initiatives of the Oyo State government ranging from the establishment of the Oyo State Education Trust Fund (OYO ETF) to the introduction of School Governing Boards have assisted to contribute to the development of education in the state and they are already yielding positive results. Can you imagine what effect the monetary contribution of every individual in the country would have on education if it is so introduced and enforced? For this to be done, the confidence and trust of the people must be gained by the three tiers of government.
You are a director of many companies, member of many organisations and chairman of OYO ETF, what is you driving force?
I attribute all to the grace of God and the desire to see things working the way they should. I see God’s hand working in my life to achieve the impossible. He leads and I follow. My strength is derived from Him. Apart from cooperating with God, I am also driven by passion: passion to succeed and contribute my quota wherever I find myself.
How do you combine all these with the home front?
I must thank God for giving me an understanding husband. My husband is surely a gift and blessing from God. Being a very busy man himself, he is able to walk in my shoes and give me the encouragement that I need. Chief Adebayo Akande is a man with a very large heart, accommodating and very supportive.
Presently, do you think women are encouraged to take leadership positions in Nigeria?
Yes, women are being encouraged but the encouragement is not enough. To really have women take leadership positions in the country, there must be a level playing ground. There must be fairness and equality. Respect for all must also be in the forefront. All these will encourage participation of women in leadership.
As women, how can we ensure we have a good outing in the 2019 general election?
First and foremost, women must not, in the words of Chief Bola Ige, “siddon dey look”. We must be involved by first and foremost getting registered for opportunity to vote. Never allow our votes to be determined by the highest bidder but the love for the good of the land.
As many women that are interested in occupying political office should get registered in the parties of their choices and be actively involved. More women should vie for posts in their parties and men should naturally be conscious of the need to give women a reasonable number of positions.
What advice do you have for the Nigerian women?
I want to advise the Nigerian women to add work to diligence with faith. We should not limit our involvement to prayers. We must be seen to be working towards the development of the country and experiencing a better Nigeria. We should be supportive to our husbands in every good thing that they do, and train our children and constantly advise them against being used as tools in the hands of selfish and self-centred politicians. Women must be ready to join hands with men to move the nation forward and men on the other hand must give the women the required chances and opportunities. I charge all women to be hard-working, committed to good courses and do everything in life with the fear of God.