Dark spots on the skin, or hyperpigmentation, occur due to an overproduction of melanin. Melanin gives the eyes, skin, and hair their color.
Dark spots on the skin are not a cause for concern and do not need treatment, though people may choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Depending on the cause, people may call some types of dark spots on the skin age spots or sunspots.
Age spots are small, flat dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms. Age spots are also called sunspots, liver spots and solar lentigines.
Age spots are very common in adults older than 50, but younger people can get them if they spend time in the sun.
There are several causes of dark spots:
Sun damage:Â People can develop dark spots on their skin after being exposed to the sun or tanning beds.
Medication side effects: Some medications especially anti-inflammatory drugs, can increase skin pigmentation and lead to dark spots.
Hormonal changes: melasma is a skin condition that leads to small patches of skin discoloration. The condition is more common in women, especially during pregnancy.
Inflammation: dark spots can develop after a bout of inflammation on the skin.
Wounds: dark spots may remain after an insect bite, burn, or cut heals and may fade with time.
Irritation: cosmetic skin or hair products can irritate the skin, causing dark patches to form.
Diabetes can cause areas of the skin to become darker. Also, there are conditions associated with diabetes, these include acanthosis nigricans, which causes darkened, velvety skin, and shin spots or diabetic dermopathy, which people may confuse with age spots.
Dark spots on the skin can however removed through laser treatment.
Also, dermatologists can offer creams and other procedures to lighten dark spots, or in some cases, remove them. Procedures are more expensive than creams and are more likely to cause side effects, though they tend to work faster.
The best treatment depends on the cause, the size of the dark spot and the area of the body. In addition, products with certain natural ingredients may help treat dark spots on the skin and lighten hyperpigmentation.
Although cosmetics do not lighten dark spots, they might cover them up. People can consider using a cream-based concealer to decrease the appearance of spots.
To help avoid age spots and new spots after treatment, avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2pm, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) generously, wear tightly woven clothing that covers your arms and legs and a broad-brimmed hat, which provides protection.