A New York-based Church, House of Prayer Embassy led by Bishop Bernissier Destine, is organising a special prayer meeting for Nigeria to overcome political challenges currently putting citizens against themselves and dividing the nation along the ethnic and religious lines since the conclusion of the poll exercise, especially the Presidential Election.
Bishop Destine made this known in a signed statement made available by Pastor Kayode Jacobs, who is the Nigerian Coordinator, Let’s Pray For Nigeria.
The prayer session, scheduled to hold this Saturday at 7:00 am in New York and 12:00 noon in Nigeria, is expected to seek the face of God for healing and reconciliation of Nigerians from the wound inflicted by bitter tribal and religious propaganda employed by politicians in the race towards the presidential poll.
Bishop Destine, who will be ministering alongside others, noted that rather than lead an issue-based campaign, politicians in Nigeria had wrongfully exploited the sentiments of average Nigerians to create a Muslim- Christian divide, plus North, and South disenchantments, lamenting that well-meaning citizens, unfortunately, fell for it “and now Nigerians are bitter and suspicious of one another.”
“No nation can grow while divided against itself. And that is why all those who seek the good of Nigeria and love her people must rise to seek the face of God for the country,” the cleric said.
He particularly urged the Nigerian Church to focus more on what God is capable of and rest in the knowledge that no matter what man does, only God’s will prevails.
The American preacher advised Nigerian Christians to draw from, and rest on the lessons of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ than keep seeking ways to respond to any form of so-called provocations, denigration or deprivation that would drag it away from its natural mandate of being the light and salt of the nation.
“While it is not wrong for the Church to stand for and defend what is right and for justice, it must be cautious at all times that the weapon of our warfare is not canal and as such, must not be dragged into the murky waters of political bickering,” Destine said.
“At such a time as this, Nigeria needs divine intervention and the Church and all well-meaning people should diligently seek such to help heal the wounds created by politicians and bind the brokenhearted together again,” he said.
The man of God urged Nigerians at home and abroad to join the prayers via Zoom at 12:00 noon Nigerian time this Saturday or pray along wherever they might be.
He further urged the Nigerian Church to also dedicate this Easter Sunday Service for special prayers for the country and the church, seeking the power of resurrection to heal and restore Nigeria on all fronts for God’s perfect will.