A former governor of Oyo State, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala, on Tuesday blamed the current spate of insecurity on the relegation of the Nigeria police in the security architÂecture in the countrÂy.
Apart from this, he said the Nigeria PoÂlice had been grossly underfunded by successive governmeÂnt, leading to demoraÂlisation among men of the force.
Alao-Akala, who spoÂke TriÂbune Online, said it was unÂfortunate that the Federal Government had relegated the NiÂgeria police on issuÂes of international securÂity in the country.
He said the police should be at the forefront of the efforÂts at maintaining internal security, regretting that the federal government had made the police subordinate to the military in the figÂht against insecurity in the country.
According to him, the development had reduced the commitment level of the police as the militÂary had taken over many of the duties thÂey were supposed to undertake.
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The former governor noted that the counÂtry could still win the war on insecurity when issÂues are addressed acÂcordingly.
He said: “The internal securiÂty of any country shÂould be in the hands of a single force and in the Nigeria situatiÂon, the Nigeria PoliÂce should be in the forefront and not the armed forces of Nigeria, we are not giving a prominent and proper place to the police in operaÂtion of internal secÂurity in Nigeria, we should try as much as possible to bring the Nigeria Police Force to the front burner of internal security of this natÂion.
“When you do that along with adequate funding, adequate traÂining, adequate motivation things will go on well. The Army has taken over the job of the police and this has affected the securiÂty architecture of this country, government should try as much as possibÂle not lay much emphÂasis on establishment of arÂmed forces formation but should lay emphÂasis on the setting up of more police formations, more police station and more area commands if possible ad they should engÂage in mass recruitmÂent.
“The police college where these people will be trained shouÂld be well funded; we don’t exÂpect them to bring half baked police conÂstable into the street because they will misbehave. ProÂper recruitment shouÂld be done and the necessary prereÂquisite qualificatioÂns needed to work in the police force are followed and thÂey make sure that thÂey obey the rules and laws of recruitment.
“For Nigeria to move forward on securitÂy, we should properly fund the Nigeria Police, fund the training and motivate the personneÂl.”
The former governor disagreed that the military took over internal security because the police were overwhelmed, sayÂing with proper fundÂing and motivation the poliÂce could achieve more than the military.
He said: “The police were not overwhelmÂed and if we say they were overwhelmed it was because they were neÂglected if they are given the proper place in the security architectuÂre of Nigeria they will not be overwhelmed.
“No well trained poÂlice officer will suÂrrender his job to an army officer, we are trained to mainÂtain internal securiÂty, it is the job of the police and not the army, if they think they were overwhelmÂed let them give them the necessary support, the needed funding and tools to work with, lack of logistics is what is causing all these problems for the poliÂce.”
The former governor, however, lauded the governors of the southwest states for their involvement in security issues in the region.