Drinking water can be uninteresting yet the body needs it to be hydrated. However, you can spice things up by using other means to keep your body hydrated.
In this article are nine ways to stay hydrated aside from drinking water.
How do you know that you are dehydrated? The signs are thirst, dry mouth, urination that is not frequent, dry skin, tiredness, dizziness, headache amidst other possible signs and symptoms. Dehydration will make you uncomfortable, you will not be active, sick, drained, or irritated. You do not want these, do you?
The following are ways to stay hydrated:
1. Coffee and tea
Surprising right? No study has been able to consistently prove that they can or cannot hydrate like water would. Dr Folusha Oluwajana, a Personal Trainer and Doctor affirmed that coffee and tea can serve the purpose of hydration; however, they should be taken in moderate quantities.
2. Fruits and vegetables
Oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, apples, strawberries and many more fruits and vegetables will do a good job of keeping you hydrated. Fruits and vegetables that have high water content can keep you hydrated when you consume them.
3. Milk
Milk has lactose, sodium, protein, and fat in it, and they can keep you hydrated for a longer period. Sodium in milk reduces urination and holds water in your body. Did you know that carbohydrates prevent dehydration and milk has carbohydrates?
Having coconut water is not a bad idea to quench your thirst or aid hydration. It is another creative way to be hydrated aside from drinking water.
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5. Fruits infused in water
You can infuse fruits into drinking water to spice it up and give it a sweet natural taste aside from the regular colourless and odourless and tasteless water. It’s a win-win for you, you drink water, and your body enjoys the nutrients.
6. Diluted drink
Having a diluted drink is also another way to be hydrated aside from drinking water. You can mix your favourite drink, preferably not carbonated drinks, with water. This will spice up your water and its taste if you want something different from the regular water that you are used to.
7. Adding natural flavours
Adding natural flavours like honey, orange, lemon, vanilla flavor, strawberry flavor, etc. to your water is a creative way to keep your body hydrated aside from drinking water.
8. Ginger
Ginger spice in warm water can keep your body hydrated and your voice fresh all day every day. You could also add other spices that could serve as supplementary herbs to keep you hydrated and active while doing away with the effects of dehydration.
9. Fruit blend and smoothies
This right here is also another creative way to be hydrated aside from drinking water. A blend of different fruits and smoothies will keep your body hydrated.
In conclusion, you have nine ways to keep your body hydrated instead of drinking water. So, which one will you be trying out?