Father’s day is a special day set aside every year to commemorate and honor the heroic roles played by fathers all over the world. The modern-day celebration of  Father’s day can be traced to 1910 when it was firstly celebrated in the United State of America. Today, Father’s day is celebrated in more than 100 countries in the world.
In most countries of the world, Nigeria inclusive, the special day is celebrated every third Sunday of June, with the 2022 celebration falling on the 19th of June. Father’s day, unlike mother’s day, is often not given much recognition and publicity. Although, the role of the mother in a child’s life can never be overemphasized, but that doesn’t take away the inexplicable sacrifices made by fathers.
The role played by fathers in a child’s life is incredibly important. Explaining how germane a father is to a child’s life may be difficult, but we will look at some of the roles below:
The sacrifices made by fathers for the sake of the well-being of their children can never be quantified. To ensure that their children are well catered for and lack no basic needs, fathers often do away with their personal needs. Many times, you see some fathers working overtime, repeating clothes, and cutting down their spending just for the sake of their children.
Role model
If you see a child who grew up to be calm, loving, gentle, and easy-going, then there is a high probability that those good traits are inherited from the father. A child seems to observe the way their father treats others and replicate such character when they grow up. Particularly for the girl child, they see their father as a role model and will grow to seek the same characteristics possessed by their fathers in their men.
Protection is one of the many roles a father plays in their child’s life. A father will go to any length just to protect his child and family from any form of adversity. A father provides physical, mental, and emotional security to their children. This helps to build confidence in a child as they are assured of their Father’s protection.
Fathers counsel their children and guide them toward the right side of life. In most cases, especially the girl child finds it easy to open up to their father when in the dilemma of making vital decisions. Fathers advice and help to counsel their children.
Financial provider
The financial well-being of the family is often rested on the shoulder of a father, with assistance from mothers sometimes. From paying school fees to house rents, stocking the house with food, and paying for electricity, it is a known fact that fathers are always paying for one thing or the other at all times. Fathers in most cases are the breadwinner of the family who is saddled with the responsibilities of taking care of the family and children’s needs.
As the saying goes, “spare the rods and spoil the child”. If a child grew up without discipline, such a child is likely going to turn into a negative menace in the society. Fathers help to raise well-behaved children in society, simply by correcting them through discipline when they go wrong.
Despite all the above-mentioned and many other roles played by fathers in child life, fathers hardly get the necessary praises and show of love on Father’s Day. In this article, we will examine some of the best ways you can shower love on your father on this special day.
1. Tell him how much you love him
Today is undoubtedly one of the best days to let your father know how much you love and appreciate him. You can place a call to tell him how much you love him, and how he is the best father in the entire world. You can equally compose a loving text for him, and enrich it with his praises. If you are also good at writing, you may consider composing a well-written love poem to pour encomium on him.
2. Prepare his favourite meal
Food is an important aspect of human life and is often regarded as the way to man’s heart. One of the best ways to show love to your father today is by preparing him his favorite meal. This will undoubtedly bring a smile to his face and make him happy.
3. Send him a surprise gift
Everyone appreciates and loves to be surprised with a gift. It will even be more appreciated by your father if the gift is coming from you on a special day like this. Subtly ask your father what he will love to get, and surprise him with it. Some other ideal gifts you can buy for your father include a Phone/laptop, shoes, clothes, and wristwatches.
4. Post his pictures on social media
Remember how you posted your mother on all your social media platforms on mother’s day? The same should be replicated for your father too. Nothing beats the feelings of a father knowing that his child is proud of him. Make your father happy by littering your social media platforms with pictures of your father and make sure he gets to see them.
5. Take him out to a special place
Another way you can shower love on your father is by taking him out to a special place. It could be a park, tourism center, art museum, malls, zoo, beach, and the like. Ensure to maximize your time with him and talk about some of your favorite childhood memories with him.
6. Credit his account
Whether it is a student, worker, or agent, it doesn’t matter as everyone likes to hear the sound of a credit alert on their phone. Make your father smile on this special day by crediting his alert with money. Regardless of how rich or financially independent parents are, Â it is always a thing of joy and their prayers to eat the fruit of their labor. Sending money to your father on a special day like this will undoubtedly bring a smile to his face.
The question now is, how will you be celebrating your father today?