Africa is a beautiful continent and a wonderland to experience nature. One such example is animals found only in Africa. Different species of antelope, elephant, and ostrich — all represent the diversity in the land. Get to know more about the creatures this article shares by reading till the end.
The list below is based on the research by World Atlas.
1. Kudu
Kudu is a type of antelope in two forms; the lesser and greater Kudu which are both beautiful animals with long horns and four to five feet tall. They are common in southern and eastern Africa but hardly can you find them everywhere but in areas where there are more bushes just to be safe or avoid predators. The females usually move in groups with their calves because of their protective nature, but the males don’t share in this; they are more aloof except when it’s time for mating.

2. Ostrich
Ostriches are the fastest and heaviest birds, even though they don’t fly. They are divided into subspecies: the Somali ostrich and the common ostrich, which are mostly found in the sub-Saharan region. They weigh between 200 and 280 pounds and can reach 70 kilometers within an hour. They lay eggs that each weigh up to three pounds. Both males and females are between six and nine feet tall. Ostriches use their strong and powerful legs to fight any attack or enemies.

3. Zebra
Zebras are members of the horse family and are recognised worldwide for their unique skin colour. They mostly feed on grasses and plants but prey on cheetahs, hyenas, lions, and other wild animals. Zebras are native to southern and eastern Africa.

4. Giraffe
Giraffes are famous for their long necks and beautiful spotted skin. They eat leaves, fruits, and plants and can be found in all African countries. Their tongue, which is about 21 inches long, helps Giraffes grap long-distance food on the tree or any other place. The males can reach up to 19 feet, females about 15 feet, and babies at least 6 feet tall.

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5. Hippopotamus
The hippopotamus is found across sub-Saharan Africa, especially in southern and central regions. It weighs between 2,800 and 3,000 pounds, making it the third biggest mammal after elephants and rhinoceros. Hippopotamus love dwelling in swampy and watery areas. They mostly feed on grass and plants.

6. Spotted Hyena
This hyena is an aggressive animal found only in Africa’s sub-Saharan area. It feeds on anything and any animal it can get. This spotted Hyena is also known as the “laughing Hyena”—it has pointed ears and a round face.

7. Black and White Rhinoceros
The Black and White Rhinoceros inhabit the southern and eastern regions of Africa. Due to illegal hunting over the years, rhinoceros have been regarded as endangered animals. They can be aggressive sometimes but are mostly peaceful.

8. Hartebeest
The Hartebeest is a type of antelope known for its elongated face and big size. It can live up to fifteen years and is found only in southern, central, and western Africa. Hartebeests are usually seen in high mountains and grass areas and are quite peaceful.

9. African Elephant
African Elephants are native to central and southern Africa. They have two subspecies: forest elephants and bush elephants. The bush elephant is the largest and has curved tusks, unlike the forest elephants, which have none.

10. African Civet
African Civets can be found across the sub-Saharan region. During the day, they sleep and rest, using the night to seek food or eat. Civets have a lifespan of about 12 years and are omnivores—they consume insects, plants, and birds.