AYS have characters of their own. Some are lively, cheery and sunny; others are dull and desultory. Saturday 12 JuneĀ was Democracy Day. It had this rather mournful and dreary feel about it. Rumours were rife that sleeping cells of well- armed Janjaweed mercenaries would be unleashed on an unarmed and defenceless populace. Mercifully, it didnātĀ happen. But the dark phantoms refused to go away. The only saving grace was that, from where I stood, in my littleĀ Siberia, it rained cats and dogs. A good omen, some would say.
Most Nigerians did not feel that there was anything worth celebrating on Democracy Day. Some youths went on aĀ demonstration in our commercial city of Lagos. In typical reflex action, well-armed police swooped on them with gunsĀ and dogs. The whole thing was over before it had actually begun.
A fortnight before Democracy Day,the government suspended Twitterās operations in Nigeria. This is ostensiblyĀ because the social media group decided to block off General Buhari following threatening comments he had allegedlyĀ made against Ndigbo. Incidentally, the company had done the same to outgoing President Donald Trump of the UnitedĀ States. The most powerful man on earth at the time knew better than to try to close down the organisation. In a countryĀ governed by laws rather than by strongmen, even the strongest cannot do as they please. According to some estimates,Ā our economy stands to lose about N1.3 trillion annually from the Tweeter suspension ā a staggering 10% of BudgetĀ 2021. The decision sends the wrong signals to the world.
First, that we are backward-looking, insular Luddites not in tune with modernity and civilisation. Secondly, we are notĀ an investorfriendly nation. And thirdly, that our leaders are enemies of liberty. Millions of our youths deploy Tweeter forĀ their small social media-based businesses. Many of them are into jobs that require that social media tool.
Tweeter is also a vehicle for communication and self-expression for many of our citizens. Its suspension amounts to notĀ only an assault on our democracy but also on the livelihoods of many who struggle against unbelievable odds.
As a social scientist, I always move around with a keen observerās eye. I see immense suffering everywhere. Hunger andĀ poverty. Heart-breaking misery. Despair. Hopelessness. Untold hardships. The miseries of young people whose futuresĀ have been mortgaged by cupidity and grand larceny.
Rumours have been rife that the next game-plan is to block off allĀ social media outlets, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Internet and mobile telephony in readiness for mass slaughter of innocent Nigerians. The smell of war hangs in the airĀ with the thickness of a nuclear mushroom cloud. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar and all the Apostles of Global JihadĀ are rumoured to have pumped humongous sums to support the spread Sharia and imposition of FulaniĀ hegemony byĀ means of war throughout Nigeria. Those who resist will die. These agents of death see Nigeria as the gateway towardsĀ capturing the ultimate prize ā our glorious continent itself.
This fear is rendered more palpable by allegations that the minister in charge of ICT and Digital Economy is an extremistĀ terrorist sympathiser himself; judged by his Hitlerite,neo-Nazi fascist ranting and the venom-dripping bigotryĀ that underpins his rhetoric. He is alleged to have been the principal influencer of the dastardly killingĀ of anĀ undergraduate at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University in Bauchi.The parents of the young man are still grieving forĀ justice and recompense.
Extremist ideologies, I humbly submit, are the most formidable enemies of democracy and freedom.Ā Sadly, theĀ outpourings from General Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd), do not edify. When asked why he was building a railway into NigerĀ Republic, he casually responded that he did not want to forget his kinsmen and women from across the border.Ā Most of our people who live in the borderline communities have relations across our national frontiers. Does that justifyĀ incurring loans on commercial terms from the Chinese to build railways into other peopleās countries? WouldĀ that not amount to treasonable felony? If we were awash with petrodollars like we once were, that might not have beenĀ Ā such a big deal. General Yakubu Gowon once settled public sector salary arrears of the Caribbean Island nation ofĀ Grenada.
General Ibrahim Babangida built the main highway traversing Burkina Faso as a gift to a friendly West African sisterĀ nation. We have supplied shiploads of crude oil to countries ranging from Ghana to Senegal when they were in graveĀ economic difficulty. But none of our leaders has ever offered charity financed with loans. Today, we are a highlyĀ indebted country struggling to balance our public finances.
Using borrowed funds to build railways into another manās country is patently an act of treachery against our countryĀ and against future generations that would have to pay back these loans. It shows that we are being ruled by peopleĀ whose loyalty is to foreign Sahelian- Ruritanian lands of which we know nothing. Asked about the murderous activitiesĀ of his Fulani kinsmen, General Buhari retorted that the only solution is to reclaim the grazing routes of the 60ās. NeverĀ minding that our population has quadrupled since 1960 and that most of the idle ancestral lands are now beingĀ cultivated by virtue of an expanded population. The man is, regrettably, an unreconstructed dinosaur.Ā His rather dullĀ prose last week was rifeĀ with dire warnings against secessionists.
The obiter about Ndigbo being āa tiny dot in a circleā betrayed a despicable contumely. His idiom was bellicose andĀ vengeful ā hardly the stuff of which statesmen are made. On Tuesday 3rd June, the Coalition of Northern GroupsĀ (CNG), representing the vast circle of rights and civil organisations in the Old North, made a statement calling on theĀ federal government to invoke the relevant statutes on self-determination extant in international treaties andĀ conventions to allow Biafra to go. In a memorandum that was widely circulated to media groups, traditional rulers andĀ other key stakeholders, the coalition called for a āpeaceful breakup of the country to allow Igbo citizens of the southernĀ region create the Biafra Republicā. They point out that the North, which is saddled with just too many challenges rightĀ now, has no appetite for another bloody civil war.
Astonishingly, they blame Ndigbo for the widespread drug addiction and other ills that afflict the Northern. They alsoĀ blamed Igbo people for benefitting from monopolistic economic behaviour, ādespite their notoriety for disregard toĀ every rule of decency and etiquette globallyā. They warned that the North will no longer tolerate the killing of their kithĀ and kin in Igbo land and that a peaceful separation is the only solution to these woes.
It is a truism that the activities of IBOP/ESN have become increasingly violent in recent times. It is also true that theĀ Caliphate North has shown uncharacteristic restraint to such provocations, including the assassination of a high-profileĀ northern political figure such as Ahmed Gulak. But this is only a half of the story. The Northern Coalition have neverĀ mentioned the atrocities of Boko Haram, herdsmen militias and the murderous bandit terrorists in the Middle Belt andĀ the South. They have never owned up to the fact that IPOB/ESN violence is a direct response to the infiltration of theĀ primeval rainforest of Igbo land by shadowy terrorists. All they present is a fictitious āinnocent Northā being attacked byĀ a virulent and destructive Ndigbo. As for monopolies, the biggest beneficiary of a monopolistic economicĀ stranglehold is certainly not an Igbo man.
Besides, when the CNG talks about āthe Northā, they include the Middle Belt, which is rather very patronising. If theĀ North believes that Biafra are free to go, they cannot presume to keep the North as one monolithic bloc. The benightedĀ peoples of the Middle Belt certainly do not intend to remain the bondslaves of the feudal North in perpetuity. And it isĀ highly unlikely to believe that the break-up of our country could be done on the highly civilised model of the CzechsĀ andĀ Slovaks. If Ndigbo must go, Oduduwa and Middle Belt must follow suit. This is the reality on ground. I am aĀ democrat and an old-fashioned patriot.
I would be sorry to see our country disintegrate. But I am also a realist. I know that there are no guarantees anywhere.Ā The enemies of our democracy are in both high and low places. Nigerian democracy is an orphan. An orphan starved ofĀ the warm milk of human kindness, love and succour. Democracies, if truth be told, do not die because of violentĀ interventions. They die because of daily acts of lawlessness and impunity; because of extremism devoid of restraint andĀ forbearance, because of disloyalty to the nation by leaders and citizens.