In July 2015, Barack Obama went to Kenya to lecture the Kenyan people and President Uhuru Kenyatta about gay rights. Obama could have engaged the real issues, but he chose wokeness over reality. Hear him: “When you start treating people differently not because of any harm they are doing to anybody, but because they are different, that’s the path whereby freedoms begin to erode.” And President Kenyatta let him have it: “Kenya and the U.S. share so many values: common love for democracy, entrepreneurship, value for families—these are some things that we share. But there are some things that we must admit we don’t share. Our culture, our societies don’t accept. It is very difficult for us to be able to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept.”
Honestly, I look at the LGBTQI people as lunatics. Instructively, there’s a surging, increasingly latent opposition to wokeness across the divide. Anyway, society has a way of addressing issues through violence as people reach their endurance limits. The Graeco-Roman wars, WWII and the Nigerian Civil War bear this out very eloquently. And that’s the point to which woke ideology is inexorably leading Western societies. If the groundswell of opposition to wokeness (with its underlying biological/genetic transgressions) represented by the re-election of Donald Trump in the United States shows anything, it is the fact that the inversion of the natural order, let alone the brutal enforcement of same, cannot but come with a steep price. It is no longer a secret that the so-called masters of the universe, the brains behind Big Tech and Big Government, are intent on irreligion, genetic and cultural inversions, and the remaking of received morality. It is not for nothing that atheist churches now dot the landscape, ironically purveying a fascination with the object of scorn: Christianity, or even religion in general.
Led by the United States, Euro-America has long declared war on boys and men, the idea of boys and men and girls and women, and even of genetics and colour. The intention, barely disguised, is to remake society in the vision of the masters, and critics are readily branded as conspiracy theorists. Why, for instance, did the authors of the Gain of Function research that reportedly gave teeth to COVID-19 also oppose the use of the most obvious cure for political purposes, only to publicly validate its potency after the 2016 presidential elections in the United States? You will get my drift when you ponder, say, this completely idiotic piece of reporting by the Daily Mail on December 4: “Manchester United have been plunged into chaos after a devout Muslim star player refused to wear a rainbow jacket to show support for the LGBTQ+ community – leaving his teammates divided. Red Devils players have previously worn a pride-themed jersey to warm up ahead of games, over the past two years, to show support for the LGBTQ+ community as part of the HRainbow Laces campaign.” If you live in Nigeria, chaos would sound like the actions of the terrorists who literally slaughtered nine vigilantes in Sokoto State last week and abducted their wives, but here we have hyperbolic language deployed to justify perversity. What’s chaotic about a player standing his religious ground?
There’s a kindred piece: “Footballer Marc Guéhi will not be charged by England’s governing body after writing “I Love Jesus” on his rainbow-coloured captain’s armband. The Crystal Palace defender, who has played 22 times for England, including at this year’s Euros, wrote the phrase on his armband ahead of his side’s Premier League game against Newcastle United on Saturday (30 November). The armbands were worn by team captains as part of LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign.”
The Football Association (FA), we learn, “could have charged the Palace captain,” but “the player and club have instead been reminded about their responsibilities.” The import is clear: LGBTQI dictatorship is now the norm, and Christianity is outlawed. The gay terrorists aren’t just pushing their woke agenda, they are seeking to push faith and belief in God into the abyss. Wearing a gay band is justice, but wearing a Christianity-themed armband counts as one of those expressions of “political, religious or personal slogans, statements or images,” for which “the player and/or the team will be sanctioned by the competition organiser, national football association or by FIFA”.
For years, the masters of the universe/Democrats have imposed this kind of dictatorship on the United States, and a third civil war during which issues of faith and faithlessness will take centre stage, an armed conflict that gives physical expression to the rage recently expressed at the ballot, is at the door.
For years, Euro-American societies have scoffed at faith and God and enabled the ascendancy of demonic philosophies and actions. They have rolled out laws that effectively criminalize men and marriage and render them impotent while simultaneously undercutting the traditional marriage institution. Thus, a man who finds another man on top of his wife will still lose his property, adultery is legal and Feminazi terrorism is sanctioned. Men are routinely ejected from their own homes as the Law has become a womanized instrument, and the brains behind these transgressions think that it is all cool. But it isn’t, and civil wars lie ahead during which the marginalized communities will demand their rights through unprecedented violence. This is a prophecy rooted in a close study of history. To take a Nigerian example: the revolt against Oyo oppression in Yorubaland came after long years of terror during which, for instance, Oyo soldiers and mercenaries sampled young virgins before their lawful husbands could have relations with them.
LGBTQI people suffer from mental disease, but their ways are being imposed on the rest of society. It is pure, unmitigated madness. Naturally, these self-loathing haters of the natural order won’t go to Russia, North Korea or Saudi Arabia to argue LGBTQ rights, knowing that they will either be beheaded or tied to the stake and loaded with bullets.
Re: The G.O is a smart guy
Good writing as usual. But on ‘The G.O. is a smart guy’, you get mind o! Keep it up, sir.
Michael Olaotan: [email protected]
READ ALSO: Samoa agreement had nothing on gay rights, $150bn deal – FG