Just before Togo exploded into civil unrest over protests regarding the continued dynastic trend of the Gnassingbe clan, it was reported in the media that Israel planned a conference for greater cooperation with Africa and know-how transfer to Africa.
This conference was scheduled to hold at Lome, Togo, and it would have been attended by representatives from most African countries.
What surprised me the most was that a small country like Israel, with a population less than that of Lagos city of Nigeria, can command such great leadership clout in technology, agriculture, government, security, among others, whereas the bumbling “Giants of Africa” are just doing what they do best: bumbling.
The lesson to be learnt here is that the number of people that a country’s border encloses is not important if that country aspires to a leadership position on the world stage. What is vital is the quality of people that a country’s border encloses.
Sunday Jonah
Minna, Niger State