My 65-year-old father is always constipated. Kindly let me know how we can handle the problem
Abigail (by SMS)
Constipation can be treated with a combination of techniques/lifestyle changes such as; making sure that your father gets adequate exercise. Even just walking a bit more can help mobilize stool in the colon. Use appropriate posture on the toilet. Most Western toilets are not designed with the shape of our rectum in mind. Adding a stool under your father’s feet while defecating can improve the position of the rectum and relax the pelvic floor muscles, which can improve constipation. Eat more fiber. Add soluble/insoluble fiber to your father’s diet or ask him to take a fiber supplement. It can be helpful to keep a food diary of which foods work for him and which ones don’t. Talking with a dietitian could be beneficial. Your father should also drink more fluid. Most people are not drinking an adequate amount of water/fluid daily and this can cause stools to be harder to pass. Sometimes hot teas can help constipation, as well. When necessary, your father should take laxatives. This is not something he should do regularly, since laxatives are often used to treat constipation during a short period of time.