We continue from the last week’s story about Lola… The lady on the phone then responded and introduced herself as a receptionist at the hospital where “your mom” was brought for the treatment she said.
Curious Lola couldn’t suppress her curiosity as she was swift to ask “what happened?” “what happened to her?” “What happened to my mom?” “Is she better now?” The receptionist then responded that Lola’s mom is better than they brought her. She added, that as for what happened, Lola will have to visit the hospital to see the doctor for more details.
The following morning, Lola was set to move to go see her sick mom. On her way to the airport, she was disturbed by the news she had received about her mom being hospitalized amongst other things bothering her.
Upon her arrival at the hospital, she met with the doctor who then explained Mrs. Ifelaja’s case to be an issue of severe headache as well as she was diagnosed with difficulty in breathing. The doctor then added that these were signs of high blood pressure. And that Mrs. Ifelaja will have to adhere strictly to the medications she was given and also exercise often. “She will also need to steer clear of any strenuous task, to aid faster recovery”, he added.
Mrs. Ifelaja was discharged from the hospital that evening. That she was happy to see Lola boosted her mood, that they soon began to gossip.
Three days after Lola’s stay at her mom’s she was already set to go back to Lagos, and then unwind as she had originally planned.
As she got to the airport that evening while she was scrolling mindlessly on her phone and waiting for her flight to be announced, a voice whispered a “good evening” from behind, and when she turned, she could not believe her eyes.
“You, again,” she said as she exchanged pleasantries with Craig. “What are you doing here?” Lola asked as though the response to the question was what she has been waiting for all evening. And just as anticipated, “work” Craig responded. And asked almost immediately, “what’s your schedule like for this weekend? Are you free?” Lola stuttered as responded “yes! Yes, I am free this weekend. Why did you ask?” “Awesome!” he said out of excitement. “I was hoping we could hang out together.” He added, smiling as though he’d won a jackpot. “I’ll sleep over it, and revert,” Lola responded. “That’s ok. Please, take your time” Craig mumbled.
Lola could literally feel butterflies in her tummy. She whispered to herself, “if this is a dream then I have to wake up or never again.”
Lola couldn’t get what happened earlier, out of her head. She was overly excited that she could barely wait until noon to break the news to Craig, that she’ll be hanging out with him. And of course, Craig was glad to receive the news, and didn’t hesitate to send the address of the venue to Lola.
They agreed to meet at 7pm at the location. Meanwhile, Craig made it to the venue, fifteen minutes before time, as it was his culture and habit to be punctual at any meeting whatsoever.
Soon after they ordered what they were going to have for dinner, the reoccurring noise of “say yes! say yes!” soon covered the eatery. There was a young man at the restaurant who took to his knee to propose marriage to his girlfriend. She refused his proposal because the guy is not in her “league.” “I can’t keep footing the bills because you’re broke and do not have a job, I am a woman. I should be taken care of,” she added.
Literally, everyone who heard and saw what had happened went cold and quiet, and felt sorry for the guy, as they encouraged him to “be a man.”
Lola quickly turned to Craig, “what do you think of feminists and feminism?”
Craig giggled as he responded “ironically, we live in a society where a good number of men view most, if not all women as persons who have or are suffering from some sort of a disorder due to their personality.
“Women whose relationships with men have been pathologised, fail to see the difference between male authority and competence, and male tyrannical power because all they see is oppressive males. Their experiences may have hurt so badly that differentiation may never occur, but they need to have experiences with good men too for them to see the difference.”
To be continued…