I have established in this column, the fact that great sex is dependent on knowing the necessary skills. A married couple that will enjoy great sex must master the necessary skills for it. Like it was stated last week, the ancient method of sex style of “rise and sink” in the missionary position will not suffice in this dispensation.
Hence, the consideration given to sex styles skill in that writes up.
Today, the skill I want us to look at is foreplay. This is one that is largely responsible for orgasm in women, which is the height of sexual act a woman can attain. Any husband, who does not know this skill to take his wife to this zenith of sexual satisfaction, is at a risk of either pressurising her into infidelity, or putting her through emotional trauma.
Foreplay is a skill every husband must master for great sex in the marriage. Foreplay is required as a result of the differences in body make up of husband and wife, with reference to sexual responses. While the husband response is instantaneous, like that of the helicopter, needing no time to take off for sex, the wife, on the other hand needs time, like the aeroplane, in her sexual response.
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Thus, she needs time to allow her gather momentum, for her to get into the act of sex. So, the husband must master how to achieve this, through foreplay, which involves the following:
* Put her in mood by preparing her mind for it through coded messages or soft touches. This will free her mind, body and soul before going to bed, to tune her up for sex.
*know the parts of her body that moves and turns her on, so as to concentrate your touch play on them perfectly well.
*Husband should do more of sucking the breast and licking the fingers.
* Husband should tickle the nipple, clitoris, neck, belly and earlobes; he can start by using his tongue to gently massage the breast.
*He should also suck nipple while licking the neck and earlobes at intervals.
*The wife should also try riding him while he touches the breast, as this will stimulate the hormones responsible for orgasm.
It’s all these that make for great sex, leading to orgasm, especially for the wife, when you eventually get into the act.
When a husband is able to master the skill of foreplay, great sex will be inevitable in the marriage.
So, every husband should go all out to master this in other to sexually secure the marriage.
The ancient method of pouncing on one’s wife anytime, for sex does not make for great sex.
In fact, it is tantamount to an abuse of the wife, since she mostly will not be properly lubricated in the act.
This method of the husband wanting sex, and wanting it now, without recourse to foreplay skill, is one reason why wives feign headaches, body pains, and stomach upsets and the like.
Or is it not better to feign pains, and stay painless, rather than to be subject to pains arising from sex act.?
You can read more on foreplay skill in my book, enjoying great sex life. You can call 08112658560 for details.