If Governor Abiodun Oyebanji of Ekiti State were to be administering any of the 50 states in the United States, even the most-conservative as a Republican, he would by now be facing a litany of litigation over his “executive order”, cancelling the planned marathon kissing in the state, primed for the Guinness World Record, as the longest smooching ever. Since Hilda Baci’s record-breaking cooking, GWR-mania has gripped Africa. From the reasonable to the insane, propositions have flooded everywhere. One of such is the Ekiti event, where participants are to kiss for three days non-stop.
Another jaw-dropping idea is from Cameroon, where a lady, Danny Zara, is seeking to have sex non-stop for 200 hours in a sex-a-thon from July 17 to July 25. She is seeking willing partners. According to her, “After due confirmation from Guinness Books of Records, I have decided to break a record of the Longest Sex Hour.”
While Cameroonian authorities are yet to react publicly, a scandalised Oyebanji had banned the erotic event taking place in any part of ile iyi, ile eye (slogan of the state), threatening to deal with whoever allows his facility be used for it.
In America and other parts of Europe hoisting nudity and eroticism as new language of freedom, Oyebanji’s action would have attracted the fury of Liberals/Progressives, a flurry of court cases and unending public debates on whether the governor didn’t overreach by determining what adults can do with their bodies. The controversy would have likely travelled all the way to the Supreme Court, though its pronouncement would not end the discord, once politicians and their allies in the media, seize on it, same way the apex court’s interventions in landmark cases on abortion (tearing down Roe v Wade), gay right, religious right, voting right, race, student loan forgiveness among other cultural and political issues, simply fueled the conflagration instead of dousing it.
Conservatives, on the other hand, would have praised Oyebanji to high heavens, just like they currently fawn over the perceived solid conservative credentials of 44-year-old governor of Florida and Republican candidate for president, Ron DeSantis, in his battle against exposure of school children to LGBTQ and gender-transitioning orientations, which has pitted him against the largest employer of labour in the state and leading tourism promoter: Disney World. To save the future of the children, DeSantis was ready to lose Disney World to another state, alongside all the accruable benefits, reason he has doubled down on his decision to strip the liberal outfit of self-governing power, which made its owners very powerful in political circle and influential in public space. The war has been nearly a year long, but the governor is showing no sign of being battle-fatigued.
And standing for the future of the children is paying off for him, even politically. While his resistance to Biden on Covid lockdown projected him to national consciousness, helping him win an easy re-election. It is his unwavering stance on the boundary between morality and freedom of choice, the responsibility of those in authority to their God, conscience, humanity and our collective tomorrow that is now propelling him closer to the White House as campaign ramps up.
In a head-to-head matchup with Trump in a recent poll, DeSantis blew out the former president, though Trump is doing better than him in a crowded field.
No doubt, the world is facing and headed south. Liberalism and inclusivity as being promoted by the political leadership in America in cahoots with their so-called mainstream media and Big Tech, simply fits into what the Word of God in Romans 1:27-29 say, “Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
“Furthermore since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them to a depraved (reprobate) mind to do what ought not to be done.
“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.”
Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, was talking about men (and women) of his time, who could easily pass for today’s men and women, doing things that are not convenient (per KJV). For a society of thousands of years ago to look exactly like what is happening around us today, also confirms Ecclesiastes 1:9 saying that “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
The question then is, if nothing is new under the sun, why the seeming hoopla about today’s nudity, public sex, LGBTQ and abortion campaign running on “my body, my choice” slogan, et al, championed by the West and being force-fed the rest of the world? Beyond assaulting the sensibility of others with their unsightly exposure, and taking away the peace of those who may have to behold their God-condemned public displays, the rest of humanity may just look away, since those enmeshed in these “liberation” projects can easily deduce the outcome from what happened to their forebears as documented by the Word of God. It would only be foolhardy on their part, (including the communion-taking Catholic President of the United States), to think they would escape the fate of the generations before which did exactly what they are doing now.
That scripture quoted above says, “What has been will be again.” The wages received by earlier participants would not change for their modern-day successors. And since God’s Word is eternal, so shall it ever be, for generations coming behind, thinking of going the same broad/wide way that leads to destruction.
In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus spoke of the majority of His time, following the destructive path, because “narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it.” The righteous minority of that era has almost thinning out. In places where you will expect some institutional decency, the worst form of depravity is showcased as “bravery” to prove they are different. At a recent White House event, two gay activists put their full breasts on display, putting the rest of the world in shock with their craze. Biden went ahead with photo-ops with them, calling them the bravest people he ever knew. An intense backslash eventually got his administration disinviting the breast advertisers from future “Pride” events at the White House.
God enthrones leaders for different purposes, according to seasons, but how they choose to go is up to them. Those He loves, He knocks around to knock sense into them. The ones He had given up on, they continue on the wide path, unhindered, until they end in damnation. The presumptive most powerful man in the world being picked from the floor like a child could be God’s warning that He didn’t pick him from the basement of his Delaware home to the White House, beating an incumbent, to become the leading encourager of those on the wide path. Just saying.