“Ecclesiastes 8:11 ‘when a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong (NLT).’ Leaving punishment to God is rather a Nigerian tradition rather than that of the Bible. Read Romans Chapter 13. The battle against crime is a collective responsibility.”Goke, a reader bristled last Sunday. Even without the concluding part, he correctly concluded on my conclusion, but with a little misassumption, I guess. Where I was going using my tragic experiences as a simile for the Olawales and countless unknown wronged souls thirsting for justice out there, wasn’t in doubt, but Goke and his ilk wrongly assumed the way to the said end. Even some, who took my back, also wrongly assumed what my position was thought to be. Here is my message for Olawales and others wearing their shoes, but not in media limelight like the Redeemed family.
If God says vengeance is His, then He is irrevocably committed to avenging His own and who can withstand His wrath and punishment. He also sets leaders over us because He alone enthrones “kings” including the ones shoveling our collective patrimony in their inelastic bellies. He gives opportunities to men as a test. Sadly, almost all that have passed our spheres are incredible failures. I dare say Barack Obama is one of them. You can’t start on God’s side and end with gays and lesbians.
So, the laws they make as long as God permits them over us, must be obeyed and sanctions attached, well applied.
Though I didn’t know what eventually became of suspects arrested by the police in connection with my brother’s murder, without the usual suspicion of compromise, I should assume they did justice. The catch is that our life wasn’t tied down to the law of the land taking its course. We moved on while human justice was supposedly on, trusting God who sees beyond men to fish out all connected, even remotely, and fix them.
That is exactly my message to the Olawales and others in their shoes and who, God forbid, may still be in their shoes. Not even death penalty, before it was swallowed up by West-forced moratorium, had deterred men from being murderous for their supposed sincerity, especially in religious matters. If all those who had shed innocent blood, were to be rounded up in their thousands today and gassed at a go, I bet Goke, it won’t end fatal religiousness. That is the heart of Adesua’s message. We must transit from being sincere, to being right. The author correctly identified a Supreme Spirit who helps with rightness of purpose. We must all de-escalate religion, de-emphasise its passion and move to the realm of the Right Spirit for right conducts.
Thankfully, the Olawales have spoken about moving on. They should expressly tell attention-seeking human righters to step out of the beautiful future ahead of the family, even as the State goes ahead with probe, prosecution, and all that.
While the State can only punish known suspects, God who sees beyond men, can also touch the untouchables (for men) using the hoodlums as instrument of destruction.
Does Goke know that God’s punishment can even come quicker than State’s, if the Olawales would trust Him for His promise? Does he know that while the State’s justice would offer no direct succour to the bereaved even if those arrested were executed, I can assure that God’s is 360 degree. You can also call it Justice+x. Unlike the Niger Delta Avengers, who are bringing life-long sorrow to their own while on a revenge mission against the State, God always lights the visage of the oppressed when avenging. So, dear Goke, this injustice will be “punished” but by God, even beyond those hirelings and He could use the Olawales’ case to extend the retribution to “high places”.
Today, “religion” not even the kind rightly dissected by Adesua, has imposed sincere insanity on places you would expect to find wisdom. A Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) going to court over hijab is sincerely wrong, except they serve a god they can help, not the Help of the helpless Himself. Leaders promoting religious intolerance to demonstrate piousness is sincerely wrong. Judicial officers who bent constitutionality to protect his religion is sincerely wrong. Beyond the veil and cassock, where is the heart? This is Adesua’s poser in “The Clock of Man’s Life”. Only the heart can tell.
…And Justice Oloyede
The National Judicial Council (NJC) two Fridays ago judged Justice (?) OlamideFolahanmiOloyede of Osun judiciary sincerely wrong in taking the position of the Conscience of Humanity in matters relating to governance in the state while still wigged. And she was fired. A bright career not only blighted but abridged. I was sad when a council member broke the story to me, but more perplexed when I put a call to her and she, the supposed broken, was the one mending my broken heart. This sister of mine is actually an enigma. I was a bit worried by her dismissive reaction to the abrupt end to a career, roundly applauded as a beacon of justice before she got entangled with her brother governor. I knew she prepared her bud for the most tasteless, while the probe lasted, but the calmness was so divine. Though we didn’t discuss her future, I won’t be surprised if she resumes as a fiery human rights advocate and better positioned as a Conscience of the Nation. At least by then, her sincerity which has never been in doubt, would meet with the rightness of platform and plenty of ears. Bad she got to go, but rules of engagement must also not be discarded, for systems not to become anything-goes. But didn’t Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of America’s Federal Supreme Court just coat Donald Trump, a nominee with fair chances of becoming American President in the most depressing colour of characterisation and escape with just an apology? This NJC sef.