Although I am currently on Family Planning Pills, I recently missed my period. Kindly let me know if I am pregnant.
Fatima (by SMS)
If a person taking birth control pills misses a period, they may wonder whether they are pregnant. However, a range of other factors may be responsible for a missed period while taking oral contraceptives. Birth control pills are a popular and practical method of contraception. There are several types, and each contains different combinations of hormones that can affect the menstrual cycle.Birth control pills contain different hormones that help prevent pregnancy.
The hormones can help to: prevent ovulation, thin the uterine lining, preventing fertilized eggs from implanting and cause the cervical mucus to thicken, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Birth control pills are typically organized by week, with the pills for the first 3 weeks containing hormones and the pills of the final week containing no active medication.
These placebo pills simply help a person to remember to take a pill each day.When taken correctly, birth control pills are collectively estimated to be around 99% effective.However, it is not uncommon for a person to miss a dose. Also, if a person vomits, they may not fully ingest the pill. These factors can reduce the effectiveness and may lead to an increased risk of pregnancy or irregular bleeding.
There are various factors that can lead to a missed period while taking birth control.Some birth control pills can cause periods to stop or become irregular. Other types, sometimes called continuous birth control, can cause a person to have only four periods a year. Everyone is different, and the effects of pills are not always predictable.
If a person has recently started taking a new pill, the body may need time to adjust, and this can cause a missed period.Stress can affect the menstrual cycle, causing it to extend or shorten. In some cases, stress can cause periods to stop altogether.Losing weight quickly can strain the body. Sudden or excessive weight loss can cause a person’s periods to stop.Severely restricting calorie intake can also cause the body to stop producing the hormones necessary for ovulation.
People who have overweight or obesity typically have excess estrogen can also miss their periods. Missed or irregular periods are common among athletes and those who train heavily on a regular basis. However, if a person has not exercised in a while and starts up again, this can also cause irregular periods.Certain medical conditions can cause a person to experience missed or irregular periods. The commonest hormonal condition among females of reproductive age is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS can cause various symptoms. However, a common symptom is irregular menstruation. This can include missed periods. If a person misses a period and pregnancy is not the cause, a healthcare professional may recommend further testing for conditions such as PCOS.Anyone who is sexually active and has missed a period or had only light spotting should take a pregnancy test or contact a healthcare professional. If periods remain irregular or stop unexpectedly, a person should contact a doctor.