It is almost natural to normalise having a wardrobe full of clothes and still say you have nothing to wear. The reason is you aren’t intentional about your wardrobe. If you are, at least 60% of your confusion is solved.
If you want to liberate your wardrobe, follow this step-by-step guide to organise your wardrobe effectively.
- Choose a dedicated time
This is the most important of it all. You need to allocate a specific time when you can focus solely on decluttering your wardrobe. You may need to add it to your schedule or calendar if you’re a planner. The duration may vary depending on the size of your wardrobe and the amount of clothes.
- Create sorting categories: Create categories to sort your clothing into. You can use boxes or big nylon bags to do this. Common categories you can use include “Keep,” “Donate/Sell,” and “Discard.” You can also create additional categories based on your specific needs, such as “Mend/Alter” for items that need repair or alteration. You could also have “Gifts” for items you chose to give to friends and family.
- Empty your wardrobe: This is the easiest part. Remove all items from your wardrobe and place them on your bed, a mat or a very clean surface. This step allows you to assess your clothing inventory more effectively before setting them into their appropriate categories.
- Evaluate each item: Pick up each item individually and assess it honestly. Consider important factors such as fit, condition, style, and how frequently you wear it. Ask yourself questions like: Have I worn this in the past year? Does it still fit me well? Does it align with my current style and preferences? Is it in good condition? Based on your answers, sort each item into the appropriate category.
- Let go of unused or unwanted items: Be decisive and willing to part with items that no longer serve you or make you feel good. If you haven’t worn an item in a year or it doesn’t fit well, consider donating, gifting, or selling it. If an item is damaged or worn out, it may be best to discard it.
- Organise your keep pile: Once you have identified the items you want to keep, organise them back into your wardrobe. You can categorise them further by type (e.g., tops, bottoms, dresses) or by season, depending on your preference or colours depending on your style.
- Donate, sell, gift or discard: Take care of the items you decided to donate, sell, gift or discard. Consider donating items to local charities or organisations if they are in good condition. You can choose to sell them online or organise a garage sale, and you can equally gift specific items to desired friends and family. Discard items that are no longer usable, ones that are too old and those that may have holes in them.
- Adopt hangers or storage systems: To prevent future clutter, establish a system for maintaining an organised wardrobe. Consider using storage solutions such as hangers, dividers, bins, laundry baskets or shelves to keep your clothing tidy. Regularly reassess your wardrobe and repeat the decluttering process as needed. It could be as little as 6 months, and as much as a year; it is totally up to you.
Remember, the goal of organising your wardrobe is to create a collection of clothing you love and wear regularly that reflects your style.
Be mindful and decisive of your needs and preferences throughout the process and let go of items that no longer serve you. Do it no matter how much attachment you have towards the clothes.