•as Ojediran advocates special funding for varsities
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, on Monday, held a valedictory lecture and book presentation to honour the Vice Chancellor, Bells University of Technology (BUT), Otta, Professor Jeremiah Oludele Ojediran, as he prepares to bow out of active academic service.
The programme, which took place at the Great Hall of the University had in attendance, former President Olusegun Obasanjo; Soun of Ogbomoso, Ọba Ghandi Afọlábí Ọláoyè, Orumógege III, President and Chairman, Board of Trustees, BUT; Chief Kola Jamodu, Vice-Chancellor of LAUTECH, and Professor R.O Rom Kalilu, among other notable personalities from several universities in Nigeria.
In his remarks, LAUTECH VC, Kalilu described Ojediran as a distinct lecturer who is known for teaching and impacting the knowledge on his students.
Kalilu also said Ojediran is a leader who has actively been engaged in creating other leaders, directly and indirectly, through his engagements.
“He represents a force to us in several ways and he is indeed a distinguished Professor,” he said.
On his part, former President Olusegun Obasanjo described the Professor of Science Education as “absolutely distinct”.
He lauded the LAUTECH management for celebrating Ojediran and commended the Professor for ‘excellent service’.
“His performance has been absolutely distinct and distinguished. Over the years, he has proved to be very reliable and excellent.
“He still has a lot to achieve. He is full of ideas and still has so much to deliver.”
Ọba Ghandi Afọlábí Ọláoyè said, “I celebrate Professor Ojediran for his tenacity over the years. He has nurtured so many reputable persons and is worth celebrating. He has been at the forefront of his field, in agriculture and we are forever grateful for his efforts.
“I also want to thank Professor Ojediran for the books he has written. It is indeed a noteworthy achievement. And we are happy to celebrate you for your great service.”
In response to the accolades, Ojediran appreciated everyone and said the occasion marks the culmination of his remarkable academic journey, which has been characterised by “God’s immense grace, right from the cradle to this day. Relentless dedication to service, personal growth, formidable challenges encountered and some celebrated achievements.
“As I prepare to close this chapter of my career, I’m reminded of Nelson Mandela’s insightful words ‘After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb’.These words resonate with him in our quest for knowledge and excellence.
“It is a recognition of past achievements and the beginning of a new chapter, setting the tone for commune work and impact within the academic community,” he said.
On the theme ‘Guiding the Next Generation: Lessons from a Professor’s Academic Journey’,”This lecture is really a combination of years of education, scholarship, and growth, honouring the legacy to be left behind. So today, ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you to deliver my valedictory lecture, reflecting on this significant milestone. This was a path marked by a commitment to academic excellence and the pursuit and sharing of knowledge.
“Thank you. And for the privilege of being mentored by a lot of people. So mentoring the next generation of scholars has always been at the back of my mind.
“Over the years, i attained many positions and each position offered unique challenges and opportunities, contributing to the rich history of experiences that have shaped my career and professional role.
“My watchword was consistency. Be consistent. So I think consistency is important. Straightforwardness in all things. We must be focused. We must have a focus. Avoid over-ambition. Also, avoid sentiment. Seek good and godly counsel.
“Many years of learning have taught me the importance of empowerment and the transformative nature of visionary leadership, that is being strategic. My academic journey has spanned various institutions, from polytechnics to public and private universities. Each setting offered a unique insight into the educational system, governance structure and the transformative power of learning.”
On the issue of the financial instability of public universities in Nigeria, Ojediran urged the government to establish a stabilization fund, increase government allocations, government-funded bursaries and scholarships and implement a performance-based funding model.
Highpoint of the event was the launching of two books written by Professor Ojediran.