I have carefully chosen the topic of this write up, knowing full well the risk involved, in that it may not be a popular opinion. This is because of the major role money plays in our lives. I am also aware that a lot of people get married because of money. But, the truth is that intimacy, rather than money, is what sustains a marriage.
The middle class or average women will stay or are staying married even if money is not sufficient.
Where as, wealthy men may have wives who engage in extra marital affairs, not with rich people, but with people from the lower class such as household stewards, drivers or mechanics.
Busy and highly placed professionals, business executives, religious leaders, among others, who don’t have time for their wives, are subjecting such women to the temptation of infidelity. The absence of the loving care of their husbands may make such wealthy wives, who lack self control, become more vulnerable to infidelity.
Wives, who jeopardize their marriage for money, may also still end up cheating on their husbands, if the men are not intimately available for their wives.
The point I am making is this: the fact that a woman is naturally intimately motivated in a marriage, does not make money less important. I have stated this fact in some of my write ups. Money is also very integral in a marriage. I seriously encourage couples to work at having sufficient funds in their marriage because of the importance of money to a marriage. But, I have come to the understanding that intimacy takes priority over money for the sustenance of a marriage. A few years ago, a popular American Evangelist almost lost his wife to divorce due to the intimacy factor.
We need to take note also that most cases of divorce in our society bother on the same intimacy factor which includes spending time together at home, having listening ears for each other, caring for each other, planning family life together and above all, engaging in great sex together, among several other things.
Some weeks ago, Valentine’s Day was celebrated and several lovers took it as a time to display their love. But the truth of the matter is this: all activities engaged in during the big VALENTINE SHOW are things that can enhance intimacy in marriage and should not be restricted only to once in a year on Valentine’s Day. If couples will inculcate Valentine’s Day’s activities into their every day marriage plans, they will make marriage a thing of heaven on earth. Then, Valentine will be a regular affair, rather than a yearly show, leaving many with unpleasant experiences. Let Valentine serve as a wakeup call for intimacy in marriages and we will have better society filled with love and care for the good of all.
Copies of my book ENJOYING GREAT SEXLIFE is available. Call 08112658560 for details.